
Amendments to the Court of Protection Rules 2007

6.  For rule 4 substitute—

The duty of the parties

4.(1) The parties are required to help the court to further the overriding objective.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), each party is required to—

(a)co-operate with the other parties and with the court in identifying and narrowing the issues that need to be determined by the court, and the timetable for that determination;

(b)adhere to the timetable set by these Rules and by the court;

(c)comply with all directions and orders of the court;

(d)be full and frank in the disclosure of information and evidence to the court (including any disclosure ordered under Part 16);

(e)co-operate with the other parties in all aspects of the conduct of the proceedings, including in the preparation of bundles.

(3) If the court determines that any party has failed without reasonable excuse to satisfy the requirements of this rule, it may under rule 159 depart from the general rules about costs in so far as they apply to that party.

(Rule 133(2) deals with the requirements of general disclosure.).