PART 6Storage of organic manure
Storage of organic manure23.
The occupier of a holding must not store organic manure (other than slurry), or bedding contaminated with organic manure, except—
in a vessel,
in a covered building (including a greenhouse),
on an impermeable surface, or
in the case of solid manure which can be stacked in a free-standing heap and which does not drain liquid from the material, on a temporary field site.
A heap of solid manure as described in paragraph (1)(d) forming a temporary field site must occupy as small a surface area as is practically required to support the mass of the heap and prevent it from collapse.
A temporary field site must not be—
in a field liable to flooding or becoming waterlogged,
within 50 metres of a spring, well or borehole or within 10 metres of surface water or a land drain (other than a sealed impermeable pipe),
located in any single position for more than 12 consecutive months,
located in the same place as an earlier one constructed within the last two years, or
on land having a slope of 12 degrees or more which is within 30 metres of surface water.
Solid poultry manure that does not have bedding mixed into it and is stored on a temporary field site must be covered with an impermeable material.