SCHEDULE 2Information and supporting documentation required for an application for a petroleum exploration and development licence or a seaward area production licence


In respect of each applicant—


where the applicant is a body corporate—


its place of incorporation;


its registration number at Companies House or other appropriate registration number or identifier, or if it is registered in another jurisdiction, its registration number or other identifier from that jurisdiction;


where the applicant is an individual, the applicant's usual residential address, otherwise—


the address of the applicant's registered office; or


if the applicant does not have a registered office the address of the applicant's principal place of business in the United Kingdom; and if the applicant does not have a principal place of business in the United Kingdom, the address of the applicant's principal place of business;


the place from which—


the applicant's operations under the licence, or


any commercial activities in connection with those operations,

will be directed and controlled;


where the applicant is a business, a copy of—


the most recent audited accounts; and


where the applicant is also a body corporate, the most recent audited accounts of any body corporate having control of the applicant,

but if—


the most recent audited accounts are in respect of a period ending on a date more than twelve months before the date of the application, a copy of a balance sheet showing the state of the body corporate's affairs as at the latest date within that twelve months period in respect of which a balance sheet can be made available must be supplied, or


there are not yet any audited accounts, a copy of a balance sheet showing the state of the body corporate's affairs at the date of the licence application must be supplied.