(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order revokes and replaces the National Park Authorities (England) Order 1996 (S.I. 1996/1243) (“the 1996 Order”) and three amending instruments. It continues provision relating to the National Park authorities for National Parks in England, which were established under the 1996 Order.

Articles 4 to 7 and Schedule 1 make provision about the members to be appointed to each authority by local authorities and by the Secretary of State. Article 8 and Schedule 2 make provision about meetings of National Park authorities and article 9 requires certain reports and other information to be provided by a National Park authority. Requirements relating to financial matters and accounts are imposed by article 10. Article 11 and Schedule 3 apply various enactments to National Park authorities with specified modifications.

No impact assessment has been produced for this instrument as no impact on the private, public or voluntary sector is foreseen. An Explanatory Memorandum is available alongside the instrument at www.legislation.gov.uk.