PART 19Licensing of air traffic controllers

Validation of air traffic controller’s licences122


An application by the holder of an air traffic controller’s or a student air traffic controller’s licence issued by the national supervisory authority of a Member State to have the licence, rating, endorsement or medical certificate validated by the Department must be made in writing to the Department.


The Department must validate a —


licence and any associated rating;


rating endorsement;


language endorsement; and


medical certificate,

issued in accordance with the provisions of the air traffic controllers’ directive by the national supervisory authority of a Member State if it is satisfied that the holder meets the requirements of the air traffic controllers’ directive.


The Department must issue a certificate of validation to the air traffic controller upon being satisfied as set out in paragraph (2).


An air traffic controller whose licence has been validated by the Department must make an application in writing to the Department for approval of a unit training plan.


The Department must inform the applicant within six weeks of receipt of the application whether it approves the plan.


When establishing the unit training plan referred to in paragraph (4), the training provider must take account of the competencies and experience of the licence holder.