17.Certificate of airworthiness ceasing to be in force and issue of airworthiness directives
19.National permits to fly ceasing to be in force and issue of airworthiness directives for permit aircraft
21.Issue and validity of certificates of validation of permits to fly or equivalent documents
24.Requirement for a certificate of release to service for aircraft
25.Circumstances where a certificate of release to service is not required
39.Requirement for appropriate licence to act as member of flight crew of aircraft registered in Isle of Man
40.Requirement for appropriate licence to act as member of flight crew of aircraft registered elsewhere than in the Isle of Man
41.Permission required where licence does not meet relevant minimum standards
108.Prohibition of unlicensed student air traffic controllers
110.Acting as an air traffic controller and a student air traffic controller
113.Privileges of an air traffic controller’s licence and a student air traffic controller’s licence
115.Obligation to notify rating ceasing to be valid and change of unit
120.Acting under the influence of psychoactive substances or medicines
144.Revocation, suspension and variation of certificates, licences and other documents
145.Revocation, suspension and variation of permissions, etc. granted under article 139 or article 141
149.Notifying competent authority of the detention of a third-country aircraft
150.Revocation of article 148 direction when validity of certificate of airworthiness affected
151.Directions to operators of aircraft to make data available
173.Commercial air transport – special rules for hire of aircraft
174.Commercial air transport – special rule for associations of persons
175.Commercial air transport – special rule for groups of companies
176.Commercial air transport and aerial work – exceptions – flying displays
177.Commercial air transport and aerial work – exceptions – charity flights
178.Commercial air transport and aerial work – exceptions – cost sharing
179.Commercial air transport and aerial work – exceptions – recovery of direct costs
180.Commercial air transport and aerial work – exceptions – jointly owned aircraft
Classification and marking of aircraft and dealer certification
Radio communication and radio navigation equipment of aircraft
1.Subject to paragraph 2, every aircraft which must carry equipment...
3.An aircraft which is not a commercial air transport aeroplane...
4.If an aircraft is flying in a combination of circumstances...
5.Table Aircraft and circumstances of flight Scale of equipment required...
6.The scales of radio communication and radio navigation equipment indicated...
7.In this Schedule— (a) “Airborne collision avoidance system” means an...
Air traffic service equipment - records required and matters to which the Department may have regard
Information and instructions which must be included in an aerodrome manual
1.The name and status of the accountable manager having corporate...
2.The names and status of other senior aerodrome operating staff...
5.Procedures for promulgating information concerning the aerodrome’s state.
6.Procedures for the control of access, vehicles and work in...
7.Procedures for complying with article 142 and for the removal...
9.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), plans to an appropriate scale...
11.Description, height and location of obstacles which infringe standard obstacle...
12.Data for and method of calculation of declared distances and...
13.Method of calculating reduced declared distances and the procedure for...
14.Details of surfaces and bearing strengths of runways, taxiways and...
16.Operational procedures for the routine and special inspection of the...
17.If operations are permitted during periods of low visibility, procedures...
18.Procedures for the safe integration of all aviation activities undertaken...
19.Details of or reference to the bird control management plan....
20.Procedures for the use and inspection of the aeronautical ground...
21.The scale of rescue, first aid and fire service facilities,...
Air Traffic Controllers – Licences, Ratings, Endorsements And Maintenance Of Licence Privileges