7.—(1) This paragraph applies if a member is a locum medical practitioner.
(2) The member’s practitioner income is—
(a)all fees and other payments made to the member in respect of the provision of locum services (excluding payments made to cover expenses or for overtime); minus
(b)such expenses as are deductible in accordance with guidance laid down by the Secretary of State.
(3) In this paragraph, references to the provision of locum services, in relation to a practitioner, are to Board and advisory work performed for the National Health Service Commissioning Board or a Local Health Board, and—
(a)primary medical services;
(b)commissioned services;
(c)collaborative services;
(d)health–related functions exercised under section 75 of the 2006 Act;
(e)pharmaceutical services;
(f)dispensing services;
(g)NHS 111 services;
(h)services performed for a GMS practice, PMS practice or APMS contractor pursuant to the NHS standard contract or a contract entered into by a local authority pursuant to its functions under the 2006 Act relating to the improvement and protection of public health and which the Secretary of State agrees to treat as a qualifying contract for these purposes;
(i)performed by a practitioner engaged by an employing authority under a contract for services to deputise for a registered medical practitioner or to temporarily assist in the provision of such services.