PART 1Introductory

Citation, commencement and effect

1.—(1) These Regulations may be cited as the National Health Service Pension Scheme, Injury Benefits and Additional Voluntary Contributions (Amendment) Regulations 2015.

(2) These Regulations come into force on 1st April 2015 and, save as provided for in paragraphs (3) to (7), have effect from that date.

(3) Regulations 4 and 20 have effect from 1st April 2014.

(4) Regulation 10 has effect from 5th December 2005.

(5) Regulations 14 and 18 have effect from 6th April 2014.

(6) Regulations 21 and 40 have effect from 1st October 2008.

(7) Regulation 30 has effect from 1st April 2008.