PART 10 U.K.Periodic Fees for Authorisations, Registrations and Licences

Periodic fee for persons included on the list of online sellers of medicinesU.K.

39.—(1) Unless paragraph (3) or (4) applies, the periodic fee must be paid for each fee period during which a person is included on the list of online sellers of medicines, even if the person is included on the list for only part of that fee period.

(2) The periodic fee is the appropriate fee prescribed in Part 3 of Schedule 4.

(3) A person included on the list of online sellers of medicines is treated for the purposes of this regulation as not being included on the list during any part of a fee period if—

(a)at least three months before the commencement of that fee period, the person included on the list of online sellers of medicines has given written notice to the licensing authority indicating that the person wishes to be removed from the list before the commencement of that period; and

(b)no products are sold or supplied, or offered for sale or supply, under that listing within that fee period.

(4) No periodic fee is payable in respect of a fee period if the person is not included on the list of online sellers of medicines on the first day of that fee period.