PART 3Multi-territorial Licensing and Collective Management Organisations

Access to multi-territorial licensing

30.—(1) This regulation applies to a collective management organisation established in the United Kingdom which by 10th April 2017—

(a)does not grant or offer to grant multi-territorial licences for online rights in musical works; or

(b)does not allow another collective management organisation to represent those rights for such purpose.

(2) A collective management organisation to which this regulation applies must ensure that a right holder who has authorised that collective management organisation to represent their online rights in musical works can withdraw from that collective management organisation the online rights in musical works under the conditions provided in paragraph (3).

(3) The conditions provided in this paragraph are—

(a)the withdrawal referred to in paragraph (2) is for the purpose of multi-territorial licensing in respect of all territories in order to—

(i)grant multi-territorial licenses for the right holder’s online rights in musical works by that right holder; or

(ii)grant multi-territorial licences for those works through any other person the right holder authorises or through any collective management organisation complying with the provisions of this Part;


(b)the withdrawal does not require withdrawal of online rights in musical works for the purposes of mono-territorial licensing.