CHAPTER 2Applications for Absent Signing

Appeals: England and Wales

74.—(1) An appeal lies to the county court from a decision of the registration officer refusing an application—

(a)to sign a petition by post or proxy under regulation 51(1) or (2) or 53(1) or (2);

(b)to sign a petition by post as proxy under regulation 58(5);

(c)to sign a petition by proxy instead of post or by post instead of proxy under regulation 51(6) or (7);

(d)for a signing sheet to be sent to a different address under regulation 53(4)(a) or 58(8);

(e)to appoint a proxy under regulation 57(6) and (7).

(2) No appeal lies from the decision of the Court of Appeal on appeal from a decision of the county court under this regulation.

(3) An appeal to the county court or Court of Appeal by virtue of this regulation which is pending when notice of a petition is given under regulation 14 (notice of petition) does not prejudice the operation as respects the petition of the decision appealed against, and anything done in pursuance of the decision—

(a)is as good as if no such appeal had been brought; and

(b)is not affected by the decision of the appeal.

(4) The registration officer must make the necessary entries in the record kept under regulation 51(4) and 58(7) as may be required to give effect to that decision.

(5) On any appeal, the registration officer is deemed to be a party to the proceedings and the registration expenses payable to that officer include any expenses properly incurred by virtue of this regulation.