1 | Entrance to a controlled parking zone applying to all vehicles | | “Controlled ZONE” | x-height:
1. 60 mm or 80 mm for “Controlled”
2. 75 mm or 100 mm for “ZONE”
Above the symbol
| 1. The name of the traffic authority may be added above any other legend
2. A zone identifier may be added—
(a) where the identifier is a name, at the top of the panel (but below the name of the traffic authority if used);
(b) where the identifier is a code, to the right of the legend in column 4
3. The legend “No loading” may be added below the symbol if that legend is of the same size as the legend at column 4
4. “Controlled” may be varied to “Meter”, “Disc”, “Ticket”, “Disc and Meter”, “Disc and Ticket” or “Pay and Display
| A lower panel may be included showing a legend specified in the Part 4 sign table at item 1 |
2 | Entrance to a restricted parking zone | | “Restricted parking ZONE” | x-height:
1. 60 mm or 80 mm for “Restricted parking”
2. 75 mm or 100 mm for “ZONE”
Above the symbol
| 1. The name of the traffic authority may be added above any other legend
2. A zone identifier may be added—
(a) where the identifier is a name, at the top of the panel (but below the name of the traffic authority if used);
(b) where the identifier is a code, to the right of “ZONE”
3. The legend “No loading” may be added below the symbol if that legend is of the same size as “Restricted parking”
| A lower panel may be included showing a legend specified in the Part 4 sign table at item 2 |
3 | Entrance to a voucher parking zone | | “Voucher parking ZONE” | x-height:
1. 60 mm or 80 mm for “Voucher parking”
2. 75 mm or 100 mm for “ZONE”
Between the upper and lower symbol
| 1. The legend “No loading” may be added below the lower symbol if that legend is of the same size as the legend at column 4
2. The name of the traffic authority may be added at the top of the panel
3. A zone identifier may be added—
(a) where the identifier is a name, at the top of the panel (but below the name of the traffic authority if used).
(b) where the identifier is a code, to the right of “ZONE”
4. The upper symbol may be varied to an appropriate symbol identifying the voucher parking area in question
5. “Voucher parking” may be varied to “Voucher parking and Meter” or “Voucher parking and Ticket”
| A lower panel may be included showing a legend specified in the Part 4 sign table at item 1 |
4 | Entrance to a controlled parking zone applying to goods vehicles over the maximum gross weight shown or buses (or both) | | “ZONE” | x-height:
75 mm or
100 mm for
Below the
| 1. The number on the lorry symbol may be varied
2. Either the lorry symbol or the bus symbol may be omitted
3. The name of the traffic authority may be added at the top of the panel
| A lower panel may be included showing a legend specified in the Part 4 sign table at item 1 |
5 | Entrance to a permit parking area | | One of—“Permit holders parking only past this point”; | x-height:
40 mm
Below the
| 1. A time period may be added
2. The name of the traffic authority may be added at the top of the panel
3. Permit identifiers may be added either to the right of the symbol or proximate to “permit holders”
4. “Permit holders parking only past this point” may be varied to “Resident permit holders parking only past this point”, “Permit holders parking only in” and a street name or “Resident permit holders parking only in” and a street name
| A lower panel may be included showing the legend specified in the Part 4 sign table at item 3 |
6 | Entrance to a loading only area | | “Loading only past this point” or “Goods vehicle loading only past this point” | x-height:
40 mm
Below the
| 1. A time period may be included after the legend
2. The name of the traffic authority may be added at the top of the panel
| A lower panel must not be included |
7 | Entrance to an area where parking on the verge or footway is prohibited | | The name of a zone, city, town, village, area or road | x-height:
50 mm
Above the
| 1. The symbol may be reversed
2. The legend may be omitted
| A lower panel must be included showing the legend specified in the Part 4 sign table at item 4 |