52.—(1) The undertaker must not exercise any powers under article 10 (street works) in respect of any private access.
(2) The undertaker must not exercise any powers under —
(a)article 12(1) (power to alter layout, etc. of streets) in respect of or so as to affect any private access; or
(b)article 12(2) or article 14 (access to works) in respect of or so as to affect any private street or any dock public road or any part of BPC’s land.
(3) The undertaker must before commencing construction of any access works supply to BPC proper and sufficient plans of that work for the approval of BPC, and the access works must not be commenced or executed except in accordance with such plans as have been approved by BPC.
(4) In carrying out any access works, the undertaker must not so far as reasonably practicable interfere with or obstruct the free, uninterrupted and safe use by other traffic of any street or interfere with street furniture, signage and lighting masts.
(5) The undertaker must not exercise any powers under article 13 (temporary stopping up of streets and public rights of way) or article 40 (traffic regulation) in respect of—
(a)any private street;
(b)any dock public road without BPC’s consent;
(c)public right of way LA/15/22 except in relation to that part lying between point RW144 (as shown on Section F, Sheet 4 of the access and rights of way plans) and the point on the right of way 180 metres south of the southernmost limit of deviation for Work No. 4P as shown on Works Plan Section F, Sheet 4;
(d)any part of public rights of way LA/15/15 or LA/15/22 or any part of any other public right of way specified in Schedule 7 which is on BPC’s land unless it has first consulted with BPC;
(e)any other public right of way on BPC’s land comprising a footpath, bridleway or cycle path without BPC’s consent; and
(f)any public right of way on BPC’s land comprising a footpath, bridleway or cycle path unless a suitable diversion has been provided, to be approved by BPC or, if any restrictions on use short of closure will be imposed, unless BPC has approved the nature and extent of those restrictions.
(6) The undertaker must, before submitting any relevant proposals to the relevant highway authority for approval under the provisions of this Order, consult with BPC in relation to—
(a)any proposed exercise of powers under article 13 ore 40 affecting any part of the dock access network; and
(b)any proposed variations or extensions to such proposals.
(7) Despite any provision of this Order, the undertaker must not, except with the agreement of BPC, exercise any power under article 13 or 40 to use or to authorise the use of any private street or public right of way on BPC’s land or any dock public road as a temporary working site or as a parking place.
(8) The undertaker must not exercise any powers under articles 10, 12, 13, 14 or 40 over or in respect of any part of BPC’s land or any dock public road or any part of the dock access network after completion of construction of the authorised development.
(9) Where BPC is asked to give its consent, approval or agreement under this paragraph, such consent, approval or agreement must not be unreasonably withheld or delayed but may be given subject to reasonable conditions.