Residential amenity: information dissemination and complaints handling
31.—(1) The authorised development must not commence until a written scheme for the provision of information to local residents and occupiers about the works and for the handling of complaints has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority, after consultation with the relevant highway authority.
(2) The information to be disseminated must include general provision of information in relation to the phasing and carrying out of construction works for the authorised development and specifically in relation to activities on-site that may lead to nuisance.
(3) The scheme must include a complaints procedure (including but not limited to complaints relating to noise, dust, vibration, pollution and construction traffic) setting out—
(a)how and to whom complaints can be made;
(b)a reasonable timeframe for responding to complaints;
(c)the potential remedies available to address complaints; and
(d)who to contact in the event that the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints procedure.
(4) The approved scheme must be implemented as approved throughout the construction of the authorised development, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.