The rights of way and access plans – sheet 1 |
In the parishes of Alconbury and The Stukeleys; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | - | - | Reference B
A length of new bridleway from Woolley Road, northwards along the western boundary of the improved A1(T) to Brooklands Lane, a distance of 1180 metres.
The rights of way and access plans – sheet 2 |
In the parishes of Alconbury and The Stukeleys; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | - | - | Reference A
A length of new highway from a point on Woolley Road 55 metres south-east of the access to Weybridge Farm, in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 2,200 metres, to the new Ellington junction (for continuation of Reference A see Sheet 3).
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 3 |
In the parishes of Alconbury, The Stukeleys and Brampton; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire.
| - | - | Reference A – refer to sheet 2
- | - | Reference C
A length of new bridleway between the new Woolley Road and the existing A14(T) at Brampton Hut, a distance of 130 metres.
- | - | Reference E
A length of new bridleway between the southern boundary of the Brampton Hut Service Area and the new Grafham Road (existing Park Road on sheet 6), in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 2,340 metres (for continuation of Reference E see sheets 5 and 6).
- | - | Reference F
A length of new footpath (steps) in a south-west to north-east direction between loops of new bridleway Reference E, for a distance of 35 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 4 |
None | None | - | - |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 5 |
In the parish of Brampton; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | - | - | Reference E – Refer to sheet 3 |
- | - | Reference A
A length of new footpath (steps) from the intersection of Footpath 28/15 with new bridleway Reference A westward for a distance of 40 metres.
Bridleway 28/19 | A length from a point on Bridleway 28/19 60 metres south-west of the improved A1(T) north eastward then southward for a distance of 660 metres. | Reference B
To be substituted by a new bridleway between the west side of the improved A1 on the north side of Brampton Brook to existing Park Road (on sheet 6), in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 1,280 metres (for continuation of Reference B see sheet 6).
A1(T) | A length from a point on the A1(T) 90 metres north of the western end of Footpath 28/15 in a southerly direction for a distance of 180 metres. | The improved A1. |
Footpath 28/15 | A length from a point on Footpath 28/15 75 metres east of the A1(T) north westward for a distance of 75 metres. | Reference E (part)
To be substituted by a new bridleway between the east side of the new A14(T) south of the Brampton Hut Interchange (on sheet 3), looping northward then southward to a junction with Footpath 28/15, for a distance of 270 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 6 |
In the parish of Brampton; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Grafham Road | A length from its junction with the existing A1(T) in a south westerly direction for a distance of 65 metres. | Reference D
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 60 metres west of the existing Grafham Road access to Brampton Lodge, in a generally north easterly direction for a distance of 824 metres.
Park Road | A length from a point 65 metres north-east of its junction with the existing Grafham Road for a distance of 100 metres. | Reference D
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 60 metres west of the existing Grafham Road access to Brampton Lodge, in a generally north easterly direction for a distance of 824 metres.
Bridleway 28/19 | A length from a point 470 metres north of the existing Grafham Road/ Park Road junction in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 470 metres. | Reference B – Refer to sheet 5 |
- | - | Reference C
A length of new bridleway between the southern end of Bridleway 28/19 at the existing Park Road and the new private means of access to Brampton Lodge (Reference 2), for a distance of 210 metres.
- | - | Reference E – Refer to sheet 3 |
Footpath 28/2 | A length from a point 275 metres north of the existing Park Road bridge over the A1(T) in a north easterly direction for a distance of 115 metres. | Reference E (part)
To be substituted by a new bridleway from a point on Footpath 28/2 100m east of the new A14(T) to the new Grafham Road (existing Park Road), in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of 175 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 7 |
In the parishes of Buckden and Brampton; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | B1514 Buckden Road | A length from a point starting at the existing Buckden Landfill access in a generally south westerly direction for a distance of 500m. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 15 metres north-east of the existing Buckden Landfill access, in a south westerly direction for a distance of 580 metres.
Brampton Road | A length from a point starting at the existing junction of Buckden Road and Brampton Road in a south westerly direction for a distance of 170 metres. | References B & C
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 320 metres north-east of the existing A1(T)/Brampton Road junction in a north easterly direction for a distance of 246 metres to a new junction with the new B1514 Buckden Road; and, a length of new highway from a point 430 metres north-east of the existing A1(T)/Brampton Road junction in a north westerly direction for a distance of 45 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 8 |
- | None
| - | - |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 9 |
In the parishes of Godmanchester and Offord Cluny and Offord D’Arcy; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | B1043 Offord Road | A length from a point 70 metres south-west of its junction with the Offord Hill Farm Access in a generally south westerly direction for a distance of 830 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 50 metres south-west of the Offord Hill Farm Access in a south westerly direction for a distance of 905 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 10 |
In the parish of Godmanchester; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Silver Street | A length from a point 80 metres south of its junction with the Lower Debden Farm Access in a southerly direction for a distance of 340 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 55 metres south of its junction with the Lower Debden Farm Access in a southerly direction for a distance of 460 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 11 |
In the parishes of Godmanchester and Hemingford Abbotts; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | A1198 Ermine Street | A length from a point 250 metres south-east of its junction with the Beacon Field Equine Centre Access in a south easterly direction for a distance of 390 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 220 metres south-east of the Beacon Field Equine Centre Access in a south easterly direction for a distance of 660 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 12 |
In the parishes of Hemingford Abbotts and Hemingford Grey; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Bridleway 121/10 | A length from a point 510 metres west of its junction with Mere Way in a generally westerly direction for a distance of 570 metres.
| Reference A
To be substituted by a new bridleway on the south side of the new A14(T) between the start and end points of the stopping up, for a distance of 470 metres.
Bridleway 121/10 | A length from its junction with Mere Way in a westerly direction for a distance of 30 metres. | Reference B
To be substituted by a length of new bridleway adjacent to Mere Way in a southerly direction, for a distance of 100 metres, to a junction with Bridleway 122/13.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 13 |
In the parishes of Hemingford Grey, Fenstanton and Hilton; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | B1040 Potton Road | A length from a point 200 metres north-east of its junction with the West Brook in a north easterly direction for a distance of 770 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 140 metres north-east of the junction of West Brook with the B1040 Potton Road in a north easterly direction for a distance of 865 metres.
- | - | Reference B
A length of new footpath between the junction of Footpath 122/10 with the existing B1040 Potton Road in north easterly direction for a distance of 330 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 14 |
In the parishes of Fenstanton and Hilton; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Hilton Road | A length from a point 290 metres south-west of its junction with Pear Tree Close in a south westerly direction for a distance of 740 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point 265 metres south-west of the Hilton Road/Pear Tree Close junction in a south westerly direction for a distance of 800 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 15 |
In the parishes of Fenstanton and Conington; in the district of Huntingdonshire and South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Conington Road | A length from a point 135m south of its junction with Access Road in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 500 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from the junction of Conington Road with the Access Road in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 680 metres.
- | - | Reference B
A length of new footpath running in a north-westerly direction adjacent to the northern boundary of the existing Conington Road and then the new realigned Conington Road for a distance of 515 metres and joining the highway boundary of the realigned Conington Road at a point adjacent to the new private means of access (Reference 4).
Footpath 87/14 and Footpath 53/1 | A length of Footpath 87/14 from its junction with Footpath 87/6, south eastward to its junction with Footpath 53/1 at the Fenstanton Parish boundary, a distance of 430 metres. In addition, a length of Footpath 53/1 from its junction with Footpath 87/14 at the Fenstanton Parish boundary, southward to its junction with Conington Road, a distance of 530 metres. | To be substituted by the existing Footpath 87/6 from its junction with Footpath 87/14 to Access Road, a new cyclewayalong Access Road to the junction with the new Conington Road, a new cyclewayalong the new Conington Road (part Reference A), and new Footpath (Reference B) to its junction with Footpath 53/1. |
Footpath 53/2 | A length from its junction with New Barns Lane, north eastward to its junction with Huntingdon Road, a distance of 895 metres. | To be substituted by a new footpath (Reference C), a cyclewayalong the north side of New Barns Lane (sheet 16) and cycleways along Huntingdon Road (A14) north-westward to its junction with Footpath 53/2 (sheets 15 and 16). |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 16 |
In the parishes of Fen Drayton and Conington; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | - | - | Reference C – Refer to sheet 15 |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 17 |
In the parishes of Swavesey, Conington and Boxworth; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Bucking Way Road | A length from a point 150 metres north-west of the Cambridge Services roundabout, north-eastward for 76 metres; and a length from its junction with the A14 northward for a distance of 40 metres. | References B, C and D (part)
To be substituted by a length of new highway from the Anderson Road/Bucking Way Road junction, south westward to the southern dumbbell roundabout of the new Swavesey Junction then south eastward for a total distance of 1255 metres, to the Cambridge Services roundabout.
- | - | Reference D
A length of new highway on the north-east side of the new A14(T) from the new junction of Bucking Way Road, Anderson Road and the new Swavesey Junction Link Road (Reference B), in a generally south eastward direction for a distance of 5240 metres, to its junction with the new Dry Drayton Road (Reference C on sheet 21) and the new Dry Drayton to Girton Access Track (on sheet 21). For continuation of new highway Reference D see sheets 18, 19, 20 and 21.
- | - | Reference A
A length of new highway on the north-east side of the new A14(T), from a point 180 metres north-west of its junction with Scotland Drove, in a south easterly direction for a distance of 780 metres, to the new Swavesey Junction.
- | - | Reference E
A length of new highway on the north-east side of the new A14(T) from the new junction of Bucking Way Road and new Swavesey Junction Link Road (Reference B), south eastward for a distance of 40 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 18 |
In the parishes of Swavesey, Boxworth and Lolworth; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire.
| Bridleway 225/15 | A length from its junction with the A14(T) north-eastward for a distance of 50 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new bridleway from the boundary of the improved A14(T) north-westward for a distance of 47 metres to its junction with Bridleway 225/15.
- | - | Reference D – Refer to sheet 17 |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 19 |
In the parishes of Swavesey and Lolworth; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Robin’s Lane | A length from a point 40 metres south-west of its junction with the A14(T) generally south-westward to a point 20 metres west of the access to Grange Farm, a distance of 370 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from the junction of Grange Farm access with Robin’s Lane in a generally northerly direction for a distance of 615 metres.
- | - | Reference B
New highway on the north-east side of the new A14(T) from the new Robin’s Lane, in a northerly direction for a distance of 175 metres.
- | - | Reference C
New footpath on the south-west side of the improved A14(T) from its junction with Footpath 150/5, in a south easterly direction for a distance of 160 metres where it meets realigned Bridleway 16/1 to be provided in connection with redevelopment of land adjacent to the Service Area at Bar Hill Junction.
- | - | Reference D – Refer to sheet 17 |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 20 |
In the parishes of Lolworth, Longstanton, Bar Hill and Oakington and Westwick; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | B1050 Hatton’s Road | A length from a point 58 metres north-west of the centre of the junction between the B1050 Hatton’s Road, Saxon Way and Crafts Way, in a generally northerly direction for a distance of 340 metres. | Reference B
To be substituted by a length of new highway from the B1050 Hatton’s Road/Saxon Way/Crafts Way junction in a generally north eastward direction for a distance of 745 metres.
- | - | A length of new permissive non-motorised user route on the south-east side of the new Bar Hill junction from the western end of stopped up Bridleway 16/1 in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of 300 metres. |
- | - | Reference D – Refer to sheet 17 |
- | - | Reference C
A length of new highway on the north side of the A14 from a point 140 metres north-east of the existing B1050 Hatton’s Road/A14 diverge slip road roundabout junction in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of 195 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 21 |
In the parishes of Dry Drayton and Oakington and Westwick; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Dry Drayton Road | A length from its existing junction with Oakington Road, south eastward for a distance of 95 metres. | Reference C
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point on Oakington Road 250 metres south-west of its junction with Dry Drayton Road, in a generally north easterly direction over the A14 to a new junction with Dry Drayton Road, a distance of 700 metres.
Oakington Road | A length from its existing junction with Dry Drayton Road, south westward for a distance of 160 metres. | Reference C
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point on Oakington Road 250 metres south-west of its junction with Dry Drayton Road, in a generally north easterly direction over the A14 to a new junction with Dry Drayton Road, a distance of 700 metres.
- | - | Reference A
A length of new bridleway and cycle track with a right of way on foot, from a point 180 metres south-east of the junction of the A14 Southbound Slip Roads and the A14(T), in a generally south easterly direction to the Girton Grange Accommodation Bridge over the A14 (see sheet 24), a total distance of 3,000 metres (for continuation of Reference A see sheets 22, 23 and 24).
- | - | Reference B
A length of new highway from a point 200 metres south-west of the Oakington Road junction with Dry Drayton Road, in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of 2,310 metres to the existing Huntingdon Road at the M11 (for continuation of Reference B see sheets 22 and 23).
Bridleway 66/12 | A length from its junction with the southern boundary of the new A14(T), in a generally south-westerly direction for a distance of 540 metres. | To be substituted by new cycleways along and within the highway boundary of the new Cambridge Crematorium Access Road (Reference E) and the new Dry Drayton to Girton Local Access Road (part Reference B), for a distance of 580 metres. |
- | - | Reference D – Refer to sheet 17 |
| - | - | Reference E
A length of new highway from the new Dry Drayton to Girton Local Access Road, in a generally north easterly direction for a distance of 465 metres, to provide access to Hackers Fruit Farm and premises currently with access from the south of the A14(T).
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 22 |
In the parishes of Dry Drayton, Girton and Oakington and Westwick; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | Footpath 99/7 | The whole length, from its junction with the existing A14 Westbound Link at Girton Interchange, westward to its junction with The Avenue, a distance of 400 metres.
| To be substituted by a new cycle track with a right of way on foot along the New Dry Drayton to Girton Local Access Road (part Reference B) south-eastward to the A1307 Huntingdon Road (sheet 23), a distance of 665 metres. |
Footpath 99/8 | A length from its junction with The Avenue, westward to the southern boundary of the new Dry Drayton to Girton Local Access Road, a distance of 70 metres. | To be substituted by a new cycle track with a right of way on foot along the New Dry Drayton to Girton Local Access Road (part Reference B), for a distance of 50 metres. |
- | - | Reference B – Refer to sheet 21 |
- | - | Reference A – Refer to sheet 21 |
| - | - | Reference D – Refer to sheet 23 |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 23 |
In the parishes of Madingley and Girton; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | A14 Westbound Link | A length from the start of the existing A14 Westbound Link north westward for a distance of 360 metres. | New A14 Westbound Link |
Bridleway 154/2 | A length from a point 220 metres north-east of the Bridleway 154/2 overpass over the A428(T), in a generally north easterly direction for a distance of 475 metres. | To be substituted by a length of new bridleway from a point on Bridleway 154/2 220 metres north-east of the Bridleway 154/2 overpass over the A428(T), northward for a distance of 535 metres, to the boundary of the new Dry Drayton to Girton Local Access Road (Reference D), and a length of new bridleway from a point at the junction of Bridleway 154/2 and the southern boundary of the A428(T), eastward for a distance of 1,125 metres, to the existing Footpath 154/3 underpass under the M11 (Reference C).
(For a continuation of Reference D see sheet 22).
A14 Huntingdon Road Link | A length from the start of the A14 Huntingdon Road Link south eastward for a distance of 230 metres. | New A14 Huntingdon Road Link
- | - | Reference A – Refer to sheet 21 |
- | - | Reference B – Refer to sheet 21 |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 24 |
In the parishes of Girton and Impington; in the district of South Cambridgeshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | - | - | Reference A – Refer to sheet 21 |
- | - | Reference B
A length of new cycle track with a right of way on foot from the northern end of the Girton Grange Accommodation Bridge, in a generally easterly direction to Weavers Field, a distance of 150 metres.
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 25 |
None | None | - | - |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 26 |
None | None | - | - |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 27 |
None | None | - | - |
The rights of way and access plans– sheet 28 |
In the parish of Huntingdon; in the district of Huntingdonshire; in the county of Cambridgeshire. | A14(T) | A length from a point 250 metres west of the East Coast Main Line railway, in a generally south easterly direction for a distance of 460 metres. | Reference A
To be substituted by a length of new highway from a point immediately south-west of the existing A14(T) 290 metres west of the East Coast Main Line railway, in a generally south westerly direction to Hinchingbrooke Park Road for a distance of 470 metres; a length of the improved Hinchingbrooke Park Road; a length of the existing B1514 Brampton Road; and a length of new highway (Reference C) southward for a distance of 98 metres.
Footpath 133/11 | A length from a point 220 metres west of the East Coast Main Line railway, in a generally north westerly direction for a distance of 130 metres. | Reference F (part)
To be substituted by part of a new footpath to be provided between Footpath 133/11 north-east of the existing A14(T) underpass and a point north of new private means of access (Reference 2) on the new highway (Reference A), a distance of 470 metres.
- | - | Reference B
A length of new highway from a point on Brampton Road exit slip road 45 metres south-west of its junction with Hinchingbrooke Park Road in a generally northerly direction for a distance of 40 metres to this junction.
- | - | Reference C
A length of new highway from a point on Brampton Road 80 metres north-east of the East Coast Main Line railway in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 98 metres to the de-trunked A14.
- | - | Reference D
A length of new highway from a point on the de-trunked A14, 30 metres west of its crossing of the road called Mill Common, northward to the junction of Prince’s Street with Ring Road, for a distance of 125 metres to this junction.
- | - | Reference E
A length of new highway from a point on Ring Road 45 metres south-east of its junction with Prince’s Street in a generally southerly direction for a distance of 50 metres to the road called Mill Common.
| - | - | Reference G
A length of new cycle track with a right of way on foot, from a point north of new private means of access (Reference 2) on the new highway (Reference A), in a north-easterly direction for a distance of 290 metres to a junction with Footpath 133/11.