Exposure assessment

5.—(1) The employer must make a suitable and sufficient assessment of the levels of electromagnetic fields to which employees may be exposed.

(2) Where regulation 4(1) applies—

(a)the assessment must demonstrate whether that regulation is complied with, if necessary through the use of calculations and measurements; and

(b)the employer may, in accordance with the Schedule(1), assess exposure against the ALs in order to determine that specific ELVs are not exceeded.

(3) The assessment may take into account—

(a)emission information and other safety related data provided by the manufacturer or distributor of equipment;

(b)industry standards and guidelines;

(c)guidance produced by the European Commission; and

(d)guidance produced by the Executive.

(4) The employer must review the assessment when—

(a)there is reason to suspect it is no longer valid; or

(b)there has been a significant change in the matters to which it relates,

and make such changes to it as are necessary to ensure it remains suitable and sufficient.


See paragraphs 3 and 4 of Part 1 of the Schedule.