PART 1 U.K.Interpretation and categorisation

CHAPTER 2U.K.Categorisation as public transport or commercial operation

Public transport and commercial operations – exceptions – flying displaysU.K.

11.—(1) A flight is, for the purposes of Part 4 and Part 5, a non-commercial flight if—

(a)the flight is of a sort described in paragraph (2); and

(b)the only valuable consideration for the flight or the purpose of the flight is of a sort described in paragraph (3).

(2) A flight is of a sort described in this paragraph if it is—

(a)wholly or principally for the purpose of taking part in an aircraft race, contest or flying display;

(b)for the purpose of positioning the aircraft for such a flight as is specified in sub-paragraph (a) and is made with the intention of carrying out such a flight; or

(c)for the purpose of returning after such a flight as is specified in sub-paragraph (a) to a place at which the aircraft is usually based.

(3) Valuable consideration is of a sort described in this paragraph if it is one or more of the following—

(a)valuable consideration given or promised to the owner or operator of an aircraft taking part in such a race, contest or flying display where such valuable consideration is not more than the direct costs of the flight and a contribution to the annual costs of the aircraft which contribution bears no greater proportion to the total annual costs of the aircraft than the duration of the flight bears to the annual flying hours of the aircraft; or

(b)one or more prizes awarded to the pilot in command of an aircraft taking part in an aircraft race or contest to a value which does not exceed £500 for any one race or contest except with the permission of the CAA granted to the organiser of the race or contest.

(4) Any prize falling within paragraph (3)(b) is deemed for the purposes of this Order not to constitute remuneration for services as a pilot.