PART 7Air traffic services

CHAPTER 1Air traffic services

Approval of instrument flight procedures187


An instrument flight procedure within the United Kingdom must not be notified unless that procedure has been designed or approved by the CAA.


The CAA must not notify or approve an instrument flight procedure unless it is satisfied that the procedure is safe for use by aircraft.


Subject to paragraph (5), the CAA may approve an instrument flight procedure where an application for approval of the procedure has been made.


An applicant for approval of an instrument flight procedure must supply such evidence and reports as the CAA may require.


The CAA is not obliged to accept an application for the approval of an instrument flight procedure where that application is not supported by a report submitted by a person approved under paragraph (6).


The CAA must grant an approval to submit reports supporting an application for approval of an instrument flight procedure if it is satisfied that the applicant is competent having regard to the applicant's organisation, staffing, equipment, knowledge, experience, competence, skill and other arrangements to design an instrument flight procedure that is safe for use by aircraft.


The applicant for an approval under paragraph (6) must supply such evidence and undergo such examinations and tests and undertake such courses of training as the CAA may require.