
PART 5Operations

CHAPTER 2Operational rules for non-EASA aircraft

SECTION 3Take-off and landing conditions

Take-off and landing conditions

75.—(1) Before commencing take-off, the pilot in command—

(a)of a balloon must be satisfied that, according to the information available, the weather at the operating site or aerodrome would not prevent a safe take-off and departure;

(b)of all other aircraft must be satisfied that—

(i)according to the information available, the weather at the aerodrome or operating site and the condition of the runway or final approach and take-off area intended to be used would not prevent a safe take-off and departure; and

(ii)aerodrome operating minima notified, prescribed or otherwise designated by the relevant competent authority will be complied with.

(2) Before commencing an approach to land, the pilot in command must be satisfied that, according to the information available, the weather at the aerodrome or the operating site and the condition of the runway or final approach and take-off area intended to be used would not prevent a safe approach, landing or missed approach.

(3) If, according to the information available, an aircraft would as regards any flight be required to be flown in accordance with the Instrument Flight Rules at the aerodrome of intended landing, the pilot in command of the aircraft must select before take-off a destination alternate aerodrome unless no aerodrome suitable for that purpose is available.