PART 5Operations

CHAPTER 4Other aerial activities

Release of small balloons93


A person must not cause or permit—


a group of small balloons of more than 1,000 in number to be simultaneously released at a single site wholly or partly within the aerodrome traffic zone of a notified aerodrome during the notified operating hours of that aerodrome unless that person has given to the CAA at least 28 days previous notice in writing of the release;


a group of small balloons of more than 2,000 but not more than 10,000 in number to be simultaneously released at a single site—


within airspace notified for the purposes of this sub-paragraph; or


within the aerodrome traffic zone of a notified aerodrome during the notified operating hours of that aerodrome,

except with the permission of the CAA; and


a group of small balloons greater than 10,000 in number to be simultaneously released at a single site except with the permission of the CAA.


In this article, a specified number of balloons counts as “simultaneously released at a single site” if released during a period of not more than 15 minutes from within an area not more than 1km square.