The Hornsea Two Offshore Wind Farm Order 2016

Notifications and inspections

5.—(1) The undertaker must ensure that—

(a)a copy of this licence and any subsequent amendments or revisions to it are provided to—

(i)all agents and contractors notified to the MMO in accordance with the Conditions; and

(ii)the masters and transport managers responsible for the vessels notified to the MMO in accordance with the Conditions;

(b)within 28 days of receipt of a copy of this licence, the persons referred to in sub-paragraph (a) provide a completed confirmation form to the MMO confirming their understanding of the terms of this licence.

(2) Only the persons and vessels notified to the MMO in accordance with Condition 11 are permitted to carry out the licensed activities.

(3) Copies of this licence must also be available for inspection at the following locations—

(a)the undertaker’s registered address;

(b)any site office located at or adjacent to the construction site and used by the undertaker or its agents and contractors responsible for the loading, transportation or deposit of the authorised deposits; and

(c)on board each vessel or at the office of any transport manager with responsibility for vessels from which authorised deposits are to be made.

(4) The documents referred to in paragraph (1)(a) must be available for inspection by an enforcement officer at the locations set out in paragraph (3) at any time.

(5) The undertaker must provide access, and if necessary appropriate transportation, to the offshore construction site or any other associated works or vessels to facilitate any inspection that the MMO considers necessary to inspect the works during construction and operation of the authorised scheme.

(6) The undertaker must inform the MMO Marine Licensing Team and the MMO Coastal Office in writing at least 5 working days before the commencement of the licensed activities or any part of them.

(7) The Kingfisher Information Service of Seafish must be informed by email of details of the vessel routes, timings and locations relating to the construction of the authorised scheme or relevant part to—

(a)at least 2 weeks before the construction of the authorised scheme or relevant part, for inclusion in the Kingfisher Fortnightly Bulletin and offshore hazard awareness data; and

(b)on completion of the construction of the authorised scheme or relevant part.

Confirmation of notification must be provided to the MMO within 5 working days of notification to the Kingfisher Information Service of Seafish.

(8) The undertaker must ensure that a notice to mariners is issued at least 10 working days before the commencement of the licensed activities advising of the commencement of licensed activities within the wind farm area and the expected vessel routes from the local service ports to the location of the works comprised within the authorised scheme.

(9) The undertaker must ensure that the notices to mariners are updated and reissued at weekly intervals during construction activities and at least 5 days before any planned operation and maintenance works and supplemented with VHF radio broadcasts agreed with the MCA in accordance with the construction and monitoring programme approved under Condition 8(2)(a). Copies of all notices must be provided to the MMO within 10 working days of issue.

(10) The undertaker must notify—

(a)the UK Hydrographic Office of commencement (within 2 weeks), progress and completion (within 2 weeks) of the authorised scheme in order that all necessary amendments to nautical charts are made, and the undertaker must send a copy of such notifications to the MMO; and

(b)the Defence Geographic Centre (at least 4 weeks before) of the commencement of the authorised scheme and of the progress and completion (within 2 weeks) of the authorised scheme, in order that all necessary amendments to aviation charts are made.

(11) In case of damage to, or destruction or decay of, the authorised scheme or any part of it seaward of MHWS, the undertaker must as soon as reasonably practicable, and no later than 24 hours following the undertaker becoming aware of any such damage, destruction or decay, notify the MMO, Trinity House, MCA and the UK Hydrographic Office.

(12) In the event that the Marine Noise Registry has gone live before the commencement of impact pile driving—

(a)the undertaker must submit details of the expected location, start and end dates of impact pile driving to the Marine Noise Registry before the commencement of the impact pile driving; and

(b)the undertaker must notify the MMO of the successful submission of the details required under sub-paragraph (a) within 7 days of the submission.

(13) In the event that the Marine Noise Registry has gone live at the time of impact pile driving—

(a)the undertaker must submit the exact locations and dates of impact pile driving to the Marine Noise Registry at 6-month intervals from the commencement of impact pile driving until the completion of impact pile driving. The final data must be submitted within 12 weeks of completion of impact pile driving; and

(b)the undertaker must notify the MMO of the successful submission of the details required under sub-paragraph (a) within 7 days of the submission.