Flood risk



No scheduled works within Flood Zone 3 as shown on annex H to the flood risk assessment are to commence until a detailed scheme of compensation works for the effects of the authorised development upon flood risk in Flood Zone 3 (“flood compensation scheme”) has been submitted to and approved by the Secretary of State, following consultation with the Environment Agency and the relevant planning authority.


The flood compensation scheme must ensure that compensation works—


are carried out in accordance with the outline flood compensation scheme shown on drawing TR010019-2.3-v-20 sheets 1 to 13; or


where alternate mitigation works or measures not detailed in the flood risk assessment are proposed, demonstrate that the works or measures are at least as effective as those set out in paragraph (a).


The flood compensation scheme must ensure that compensation works provide sufficient compensation to ensure that the authorised development will not increase flood risk for all events up to and including the 1% annual exceedance probability plus a 20 per cent allowance for climate change.


The flood compensation scheme must provide for phasing of the provision of flood risk compensation in accordance with any phasing of the construction of the authorised development.


The authorised development and the flood compensation scheme must be implemented in accordance with the details approved under sub-paragraph (1).


No part of the Order land situated in Flood Zone 3 plus a 20 per cent allowance for climate change is to be used for storage, except as shown on annex H to the flood risk assessment.