55. After Schedule 13, Part 2, Chapter 9 add—
Provision of Part-SPO | Subject matter | |
SPO.GEN.102 | Touring motor gliders, powered sailplanes and mixed balloons | |
SPO.GEN.105 | Crew responsibilities | |
SPO.GEN.107 | Pilot-in-command responsibilities and authority | |
SPO.GEN.108 | Pilot-in-command responsibilities and authority – balloons | |
SPO.GEN.119 | Taxiing of aircraft | |
SPO.GEN.130 | Portable electronic devices | |
SPO.GEN.145 | Handling of flight recorder recordings: preservation, production, protection and use – operations with complex motor-powered aircraft | |
SPO.OP.100 | Use of aerodromes and operating sites | |
SPO.OP.110 | Aerodrome operating minima – aeroplanes and helicopters | |
SPO.OP.111 | Aerodrome operating minima – NPA, APV, CAT I operations | |
SPO.OP.125 | Minimum obstacle clearance altitudes – IFR flights | |
SPO.OP.130 | Fuel and oil supply – aeroplanes | |
SPO.OP.131 | Fuel and oil supply – helicopters | |
SPO.OP.132 | Fuel and ballast supply and planning - balloons | |
SPO.OP.135 | Safety briefing | |
SPO.OP.140 | Flight preparation | |
SPO.OP.145 | Take-off alternate aerodromes – complex motor-powered aeroplanes | |
SPO.OP.150 | Destination alternate aerodromes – aeroplanes | |
SPO.OP.151 | Destination alternate aerodromes – helicopters | |
SPO.OP.155 | Refuelling with persons embarking, on board or disembarking | |
SPO.OP.160 | Use of headset | |
SPO.OP.165 | Smoking | |
SPO.OP.170 | Meteorological conditions | |
SPO.OP.175 | Ice and other contaminants – ground procedures | |
SPO.OP.176 | Ice and other contaminants – flight procedures | |
SPO.OP.180 | Take-off conditions – aeroplanes and helicopters | |
SPO.OP.181 | Take-off conditions – balloons | |
SPO.OP.195 | Use of supplemental oxygen | |
SPO.OP.205 | Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) | |
SPO.OP.210 | Approach and landing conditions – aeroplanes and helicopters | |
SPO.OP.215 | Commencement and continuation of approach – aeroplanes and helicopters | |
SPO.OP.230 | Standard operating procedures | |
SPO.POL.100 | Operating limitations – all aircraft | |
SPO.POL.105 | Mass and balance | |
SPO.POL.110 | Mass and balance system – commercial operations with aeroplanes and helicopters and non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft | |
SPO.POL.115 | Mass and balance data and documentation – commercial operations with aeroplanes and helicopters and non-commercial operations with complex motor-powered aircraft | |
SPO.POL.120 | Performance – general | |
SPO.POL.125 | Take-off mass limitations – complex motor-powered aircraft | |
SPO.POL.130 | Take-off – complex motor-powered aeroplanes | |
SPO.POL.135 | En route – one engine inoperative – complex motor-powered aircraft | |
SPO.POL.140 | Landing – complex motor-powered aircraft | |
SPO.POL.145 | Performance and operating criteria – aeroplanes | |
SPO.POL.146 | Performance and operating criteria – helicopters | |
SPO.IDE.A.100 | Instruments and equipment — general | |
SPO.IDE.A.105 | Minimum equipment for flight | |
SPO.IDE.A.110 | Spare electrical fuses | |
SPO.IDE.A.115 | Operating lights | |
SPO.IDE.A.120 | Operations under VFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment | |
SPO.IDE.A.125 | Operations under IFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment | |
SPO.IDE.A.126 | Additional equipment for single-pilot operations under IFR | |
SPO.IDE.A.130 | Terrain awareness warning system (TAWS) | |
SPO.IDE.A.131 | Airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS II) | |
SPO.IDE.A.132 | Airborne weather detecting equipment – complex motor-powered aeroplanes | |
SPO.IDE.A.133 | Additional equipment for operations in icing conditions at night - complex motor-powered aeroplanes | |
SPO.IDE.A.140 | Cockpit voice recorder | |
SPO.IDE.A.145 | Flight data recorder | |
SPO.IDE.A.150 | Data link recording | |
SPO.IDE.A.155 | Flight data and cockpit voice combination recorder | |
SPO.IDE.A.160 | Seats, seat safety belts and restraint systems | |
SPO.IDE.A.165 | First-aid kit | |
SPO.IDE.A.170 | Supplemental oxygen – pressurised aeroplanes | |
SPO.IDE.A.175 | Supplemental oxygen – non-pressurised aeroplanes | |
SPO.IDE.A.180 | Hand fire extinguishers | |
SPO.IDE.A.181 | Crash axe and crowbar | |
SPO.IDE.A.185 | Marking of break-in points | |
SPO.IDE.A.190 | Emergency locator transmitter (ELT) | |
SPO.IDE.A.195 | Flight over water | |
SPO.IDE.A.200 | Survival equipment | |
SPO.IDE.A.205 | Individual protective equipment | |
SPO.IDE.H.197 | Life-jackets – complex motor-powered helicopters | |
SPO.IDE.H.198 | Survival suits – complex motor-powered helicopters | |
SPO.IDE.H.199 | Life-rafts, survival ELTs and survival equipment on extended overwater flights – complex motor-powered helicopters | |
SPO.IDE.H.200 | Survival equipment | |
SPO.IDE.H.201 | Additional requirements for helicopters conducting offshore operations in a hostile sea area – complex motor-powered helicopters | |
SPO.IDE.H.202 | Helicopters certified for operating on water – miscellaneous equipment | |
SPO.IDE.H.203 | All helicopters on flights over water - ditching | |
SPO.IDE.H.205 | Individual protective equipment | |
SPO.IDE.H.210 | Headset | |
SPO.IDE.H.215 | Radio communication equipment | |
SPO.IDE.H.220 | Navigation equipment | |
SPO.IDE.H.225 | Transponder | |
SPO.IDE.S.100 | Instruments and equipment — general | |
SPO.IDE.S.105 | Minimum equipment for flight | |
SPO.IDE.S.115 | Operations under VFR — flight and navigational instruments | |
SPO.IDE.S.120 | Cloud flying — flight and navigational instruments | |
SPO.IDE.S.125 | Seats and restraint systems | |
SPO.IDE.S.130 | Supplemental oxygen | |
SPO.IDE.S.135 | Flight over water | |
SPO.IDE.S.140 | Survival equipment | |
SPO.IDE.S.145 | Radio communication equipment | |
SPO.IDE.S.150 | Navigation equipment | |
SPO.IDE.S.155 | Transponder | |
SPO.IDE.B.100 | Instruments and equipment — general | |
SPO.IDE.B.105 | Minimum equipment for flight | |
SPO.IDE.B.110 | Operating lights | |
SPO.IDE.B.115 | Operations under VFR — flight and navigational instruments and associated equipment | |
SPO.IDE.B.120 | First-aid kit | |
SPO.IDE.B.121 | Supplemental oxygen | |
SPO.IDE.B.125 | Hand fire extinguishers | |
SPO.IDE.B.130 | Flight over water | |
SPO.IDE.B.135 | Survival equipment | |
SPO.IDE.B.140 | Miscellaneous equipment | |
SPO.IDE.B.145 | Radio communication equipment | |
NCO.IDE.B.150 | Transponder”. |