PART 3Constitution and proceedings of the Federation branches, Federation bodies and annual conference

Equality assessment and report15


The Federation must, in accordance with Federation rules, carry out or arrange an assessment within six months after the election of members of the national board under regulation 12(1)(c) and in every third year after that of the representation of persons with a protected characteristic in the Federation.


Following that assessment, the Federation must publish information, in accordance with Federation rules, relating to protected characteristics of the persons described in paragraph (3).


The persons referred to in paragraph (2) are—


members of—


the Federation;


the Federation branches;


the Federation bodies;


the Federation officers;


delegates to the annual conference.


The duty imposed in paragraph (2) applies only insofar as it is possible to publish information in a manner that ensures that no person to whom the information relates can be identified from that information.


The Federation must report annually on the steps it is taking to advance equality of opportunity in the Federation between those who share a protected characteristic, and those who do not share it.


The report made under paragraph (5) must include information on the steps the Federation is taking to encourage persons who share a particular protected characteristic to participate in the Federation where participation by such persons is disproportionately low.


The national board must provide a copy of the report prepared under paragraph (5) to the Secretary of State and publish it on the internet and in any other way the national board considers appropriate.


Federation rules may provide that the assessment carried out under paragraph (1), the information to be published under paragraph (2) and the report required under paragraph (5) must relate to all protected chacteristics, or only to such characteristics as are specified in the rules.


Nothing in this regulation authorises the Federation to require a person to provide information to it.