Articles 2, 5 and 6

Commencement Information

Sch. 1 in force at 22.12.2017, see art. 1

In the administrative areas of Kent County Council and Ashford Borough Council

The authorised development is a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 22 of the 2008 Act64 and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act, comprising—

Work No. 1 – the replacement of 1460 metres of existing tension corrugated safety barrier double sided central reserve barrier with concrete step barrier, from point A to point B on sheets 2 and 5 of the works plans.

Work No. 2A – the construction of a new A2070 dual carriageway link road 720 metres long from a new junction with the M20 Junction 10a generally westwards to a new roundabout junction with the existing A2070. To include the construction of a new private means of access from this road to drainage attenuation pond no. 1 (referred to in Work No. 3(a)).

Work No. 2B – the construction of a new A2070 dual carriageway link road approximately 720 metres long from a new junction with the M20 Junction 10a generally westwards to a new roundabout junction with the existing A2070. To include:


the construction of a new private means of access from this road to drainage attenuation pond no. 1;


the construction of a new roundabout junction including a spur to the south for the Stour Park site.

Work No. 3 – the construction of a new Junction 10a gyratory and two bridges over the existing M20 main carriageway. To include:


the construction of drainage attenuation pond no. 1 with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the locations shown on sheet 3 of the works plans;


the construction of drainage attenuation pond no. 3 with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping at the locations shown on sheet 2 of the works plans;


the re-alignment of the A20 Hythe Road at the location of this junction to create two new interfaces with the M20 Junction 10a main circulatory carriageway as shown on sheets 2 and 5 of the works plans;


the demolition of the Highfield Lane Overbridge, Wyevale Garden Centre and Highfield Bungalow.

Work No. 4 – the re-alignment of the A2070 Bad Munstereifel Road at the location of the new A2070 link road roundabout to create two new interfaces with the circulatory carriageway of the new roundabout. To include the construction of drainage attenuation pond no. 2 with associated drainage facilities, access and landscaping and the provision of 5169 square metres of replacement open space land including removal of redundant carriageway and landscaping.

Work No. 5 – the re-alignment of Kingsford Street onto Highfield Lane.

Work No. 6 – the construction of a new cycle and footbridge of 55 metres in length over the M20 main carriageway to the east of M20 Junction 10a and connecting together Kingsford Street and Hythe Road.

Work No. 7 – associated development comprising alteration works to the existing road markings, traffic signs and traffic signals on the M20 Junction 10 and its approaches.

Work No. 8 – the construction of a new cycle and footbridge over the A2070 main carriageway to the south of the new A2070 link road roundabout and the demolition of the existing Church Road footbridge.

Work No. 9 – alteration works to Barrey Road.

Work No. 10 – the construction of a new roundabout junction to connect the A2070 to the A2070 link road.

Work No. 11 – the strengthening of the existing Swatfield Bridge on the A20 Hythe Road.

Work No. 12 – the closure of the existing M20 Junction 10 eastbound on-slip. To include—


construction of a barrier at the interfaces with the existing Junction 10 circulatory carriageway;


construction of a barrier at the interfaces with the existing M20 main carriageway;


remediation and landscaping works.

Work No. 13 – the closure of the existing M20 Junction 10 westbound off-slip. To include:


construction of a barrier at the interfaces with the existing Junction 10 circulatory carriageway;


construction of a barrier at the interfaces with the existing M20 main carriageway;


remediation and landscaping works.

Work No. 14 – the construction of a new eastbound off-slip from the M20 main carriageway to the circulatory carriageway of Junction 10a, 300 metres in length.

Work No. 15 – the construction of a new westbound on-slip from the circulatory carriageway of Junction 10a to the M20 main carriageway, 463 metres in length.

Work No. 16 – the re-alignment of the A20 Hythe Road west from the new M20 Junction 10a. To include the construction of a new private means of access from this road to drainage attenuation pond no. 3 (referred to in Work No. 3(b)).

Work No. 17 – the re-alignment of the A20 Hythe Road east from the new M20 Junction 10a. To include the construction of a new private means of access.

Work No. 18 – the construction of a new eastbound on-slip from the circulatory carriageway of Junction 10a to the M20 main carriageway, 372 metres in length.

Work No. 19 – the construction of a new westbound off-slip from the M20 main carriageway to the circulatory carriageway of Junction 10a, 329 metres in length.

Work No. 20 – the realignment of the A2070 and amendments to the junction layout between Barrey Road and the A2070.

Work No. 21 – the installation of 1980 metres of motorway communication cables.

Work No. 22 – the diversion of 460 metres of gas pipeline to accommodate the widened footprint of the M20 presented by the Junction 10a slip roads and the new footprint of the A2070 link road.

Work No. 23 – the diversion of 220 metres of sewer to accommodate the construction and operation of the new M20 Junction 10a.

Work No. 24 – the diversion of 950 metres of telecoms equipment to accommodate the widening of the A20 Hythe Road and the construction and operation of the new M20 Junction 10a.

Work No. 25 – the diversion of 850 metres of water pipeline to accommodate the widening of the A20 Hythe Road and the construction and operation of the new M20 Junction 10a.

Work No. 26 – the diversion of 500 metres of telecoms equipment to accommodate the widening of the A20 Hythe Road and the construction and operation of the new M20 Junction 10a. Additionally, the diversion of 400 metres of telecoms equipment to accommodate the realignment of the A2070 and the construction and operation of the new A2070 link road roundabout.

Work No. 27 – the diversion of 500 metres of telecoms equipment to accommodate the widening of the A20 Hythe Road and the construction and operation of the new M20 Junction 10a. Additionally, the diversion of 400 metres of telecoms equipment to accommodate the realignment of the A2070 and the construction and operation of the new A2070 link road roundabout.

Work No. 28 – the diversion of 500 metres of power cables to accommodate the widening of the A20 Hythe Road and the construction and operation of the new M20 Junction 10a. Additionally, the diversion of 650 metres of power cables to accommodate the realignment of the A2070 and the construction and operation of the new A2070 link road roundabout.

Work No. 29 – the diversion of 50 metres of communication cables to accommodate the installation of the replacement Church Road footbridge.

In connection with the construction of any of those works, further development within the Order limits consisting of—


alteration to the layout of any street permanently or temporarily, including but not limited to increasing or reducing the width of the carriageway of the street by reducing or increasing the width of any kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track or verge within the street; and altering the level of any such kerb, footpath, footway, cycle track or verge;


works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance or reconstruction of any street;


refurbishment works to any existing bridge;


the strengthening, alteration or demolition of any building;


ramps, means of access, non-motorised links, footpaths, cycle tracks and crossing facilities;


embankments, viaducts, aprons, abutments, shafts, foundations, retaining walls, barriers, pumping stations, parapets, drainage, outfalls, ditches, wing walls, highway lighting, fencing and culverts;


street works, including breaking up or opening up a street, or any sewer, drain or tunnel under it; tunnelling or boring under a street;


works to place, alter, remove or maintain street furniture or apparatus in a street, or apparatus in other land, including mains, sewers, drains, pipes, cables, ducts and lights;


works to alter the course of or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;


landscaping, noise bunds and barriers, works associated with the provision of ecological mitigation and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;


works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;


site preparation works, site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling); remediation of contamination;


the felling of trees;


construction compounds and working sites, storage areas, temporary vehicle parking, construction fencing, perimeter enclosure, security fencing, construction-related buildings, temporary worker accommodation facilities, welfare facilities, construction lighting, haulage roads and other buildings, machinery, apparatus, works and conveniences;


the provision of other works including pavement works, kerbing and paved areas works, signing, signals, gantries, road markings works, traffic management measures including temporary roads and such other works as are associated with the construction of the authorised development; and


such other works, working sites, storage areas and works of demolition, as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of, or for purposes ancillary to, the construction of the authorised development.