Schedule 8 (Swiss plant passports)

15.—(1) In Part A of Schedule 8—

(a)for paragraph 1 substitute—

1.  Plants, other than seeds, of Amelanchier Med., Beta vulgaris L., Chaenomeles Lindl., Crataegus L., Cydonia Mill., Eriobotrya Lindl., Humulus lupulus L., Malus Mill., Mespilus L., Prunus L., other than Prunus laurocerasus L. or Prunus lusitanica L., Pyracantha Roem., Pyrus L. or Sorbus L., intended for planting.;

(b)omit paragraph 2;

(c)for paragraph 4 substitute—

4.  Plants, other than fruit or seeds, of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., Casimiroa La Llave, Clausena Burm.f., Vepris Comm., Zanthoxylum L. or Vitis L.;

(d)after paragraph 4 insert—

4A.  Fruits of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., with leaves and peduncles.;

(e)in paragraph 5—

(i)in sub-paragraph (a), after “Argyanthemum spp.,” insert “Asparagus officinalis L.,”;

(ii)in sub-paragraph (d), for the words from “Areca catechu L.,” to “Oreodoxa regia Kunth.,” substitute “Brahea Mart., Butia Becc., Chamaerops L., Jubaea Kunth., Livistona R. Br.,”;

(iii)in sub-paragraph (g)—

(aa)for “or bulbous rhizomes” substitute “, corms, tubers or rhizomes”;

(bb)after “Crocus flavus Weston “Golden Yellow”,” insert “Dahlia spp.,”;

(cc)after “Ismene Herbert,” insert “Lilium spp.,”.

(2) In Part B of Schedule 8—

(a)in paragraph 6, omit the words from “, other than plants” to the end;

(b)in paragraph 7, omit “other than Oryza spp.”;

(c)in paragraph 8, for “Zea mais L.” substitute “, Oryza spp. or Zea mays L.”;

(d)after paragraph 8 insert—

8A.  Seeds of Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle or Poncirus Raf.;

(e)in paragraph 10—

(i)in sub-paragraph (a), after “Apium graveolens L.” insert “Eryngium L., Limnophila L.”;

(ii)for sub-paragraph (d) substitute—

(d)Castanea Mill., Dendranthema (DC.) Des Moul., Dianthus L., Gypsophila L., Pelargonium l’Herit. ex Ait, Phoenix spp., Populus L., Quercus L. or  Solidago  L.;

(iii)omit sub-paragraph (e);

(iv)at the end insert—

(f)Prunus L. originating in any country outside Europe;

(g)leaves of Manihot esculenta Crantz;

(h)cut branches of Betula L., with or without foliage;

(i)cut branches of Fraxinus L., Juglans ailantifolia Carr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim., Ulmus davidiana Planch. or Pterocarya rhoifolia Siebold & Zucc., with or without foliage, originating in Canada, China, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Japan, Mongolia, Republic of Korea, Russia, Taiwan or the USA;

(j)Amiris P. Browne, Casimiroa La Llave, Citropsis Swingle & Kellerman, Eremocitrus Swingle, Esenbeckia Kunth., Glycosmis Corrêa, Merrillia Swingle, Naringi Adans., Tetradium Lour., Toddalia Juss. or Zanthoxylum L.;

(v)after paragraph 10 insert—

10A.  Parts of plants, other than fruit but including seeds, of Aegle Corrêa, Aeglopsis Swingle, Afraegle Engl., Atalantia Corrêa, Balsamocitrus Stapf., Burkillanthus Swingle, Calodendrum Thunb., Choisya Kunth, Clausena Burm. f., Limonia L., Microcitrus Swingle, Murraya J. Koenig ex L., Pamburus Swingle, Severinia Ten., Swinglea Merr., Triphasia Lour. or Vepris Comm.;

(vi)in paragraph 11, for sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) substitute—

(a)Citrus L., Fortunella Swingle, Poncirus Raf., Momordica L. or Solanum melongena L.;

(b)Annona L., Cydonia Mill., Diospyros L., Malus Mill., Mangifera L., Passiflora L., Prunus L., Psidium L., Pyrus L., Ribes L., Syzygium Gaertn., or Vaccinium L., originating in any third country outside Europe;

(c)Capsicum L..

(vii)in paragraph 12, omit “, other than for planting”.