Introductory Text
PART 1 Introduction
1.Citation, commencement, extent and application
PART 2 Offences
4.Defence of due diligence for suppliers
5.Time limit for the prosecution of offences
PART 3 Enforcement and Civil Sanctions
7.Civil sanctions
8.Powers of entry and examination etc.
9.Publication of enforcement action
PART 4 Guidance
11.Additional guidance
PART 5 Review
Civil Sanctions
PART 1 Variable Monetary Penalties and Compliance Notices
1.Imposition of a variable monetary penalty or compliance notice
2.Notice of intent
3.Third party undertakings
4.Final notice
5.Contents of final notice: variable monetary penalty
6.Contents of final notice: compliance notice
7.Appeals against final notice
8.Criminal proceedings
PART 2 Stop Notices
9.Stop notices
10.Contents of a stop notice
11.Appeals against stop notices
12.Completion certificates
13.Appeals against decision not to issue a completion certificate
15.Appeal against compensation decision
PART 3 Enforcement Undertakings
17.Enforcement undertakings
18.Contents of an enforcement undertaking
19.Acceptance of an enforcement undertaking
20.Discharge of an enforcement undertaking
21.Appeals against decision not to issue a certificate
22.Inaccurate, misleading or incomplete information
23.Non-compliance with an enforcement undertaking
PART 4 Non-compliance penalties
24.Non-compliance penalties
25.Appeals against non-compliance penalties
PART 5 Administration and Appeals
26.Withdrawing or amending a notice
27.Enforcement cost recovery notices
28.Appeals against enforcement cost recovery notices
29.Power to recover payments
30.Appeals: general provisions
Explanatory Note