Restoration scheme

17.—(1) Upon the permanent cessation of use of the authorised development or, in any event, by not later than forty-nine years after the start of use of the authorised development, whichever is the earlier, a scheme of restoration and aftercare must be submitted for approval in writing by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The scheme must include—

(a)any proposed future uses for the relevant authorised development site;

(b)details of structures and buildings to be demolished and retained;

(c)details of the means of removal of materials of demolition;

(d)phasing of demolition and removal;

(e)details for the remediation of ponding; and

(f)details of restoration works and phasing thereof.

(3) The approved scheme must be implemented in full by not later than 24 months after the date of the relevant planning authority’s written approval.