1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introduction

    1. 1.Citation, commencement, extent and application

    2. 2.Interpretation: general

    3. 3.Interpretation: Directives

    4. 4.Plant material to which these Regulations apply

  3. PART 2 Marketing of Plant Material

    1. 5.Marketing of plant material

    2. 6.Exceptions

    3. 7.Varieties that may be marketed

    4. 8.References to variety of plant material

    5. 9.Certification of plant material

    6. 10.Labelling, sealing and packaging of certified plant material

  4. PART 3 Suppliers

    1. 11.Registration of suppliers

    2. 12.Appeals

    3. 13.Register of suppliers

    4. 14.Suppliers: plan to identify and monitor production process

    5. 14A.Suppliers: notification requirements

    6. 15.Suppliers: record keeping

  5. PART 4 Enforcement

    1. 16.Inspectors

    2. 17.Entry and inspection of land and premises

    3. 18.Search and examination of items on land and premises

    4. 19.Information notice

    5. 20.Prohibition on movement notice

    6. 21.Enforcement and prohibition notice

    7. 22.Appeals against notices

    8. 23.Compliance with notices

    9. 24.Offences and penalties

    10. 25.Offences by bodies corporate

  6. PART 5 Administration and revocations

    1. 26.Notices and authorisations

    2. 27.Arrangements for official measures

    3. 28.Transitional provisions for plant material from parent plant existing pre-commencement

    4. 28ZA.Transitional provision for supplier’s documents affixed to CAC material

    5. 29.Consequential amendment

    6. 30.Revocation

    7. 31.Review

  7. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      CAC material

      1. 1.Conditions for CAC material (other than rootstocks not belonging to a variety)

      2. 2.Rootstocks not belonging to a variety

      3. 3.Trueness to the description of the variety

      4. 4.Health requirements

      5. 5.Requirements concerning defects likely to impair quality

      6. 6.Requirements concerning production site

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Official labels and supplier's documents

      1. PART 1 Official labels

        1. 1.An official label used in relation to pre-basic material must...

        2. 2.An official label used in relation to basic material must...

        3. 3.An official label used in relation to certified material must...

        4. 4.An official label must— (a) not have been previously used;...

        5. 5.The information and particulars required on an official label must...

        6. 6.An official label may contain such further particulars as the...

        7. 7.In this Part, the “crop inspection certificate number” means the...

      2. PART 2 Supplier's document: CAC material

        1. 8.A supplier's document accompanying CAC material must—

        2. 8A.A supplier’s document affixed to CAC material in the form...

        3. 9.The information and particulars required in a supplier's document must...

        4. 10.A supplier's document accompanying CAC material produced in England may...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Genera and species to which these Regulations apply

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Registration of varieties

      1. 1.Interpretation

      2. 2.Application for registration with an official description

      3. 3.Registration

      4. 4.Register of varieties

      5. 5.Additional requirements for products to be used as genetically modified food or feed

      6. 6.Growing trials

      7. 7.Duration and renewal of registration

      8. 8.Removal from register

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Certification of plant material

      1. PART 1 Introduction

        1. 1.Interpretation

        2. 2.Official inspections

      2. PART 2 Certification of pre-basic material

        1. 3.Propagating material (other than mother plants and rootstocks)

        2. 4.Rootstocks not belonging to a variety

        3. 5.Requirements for the acceptance of a pre-basic mother plant

        4. 6.Requirements for the acceptance of a rootstock not belonging to a variety

        5. 7.Verification of trueness to the description of the variety

        6. 8.Maintenance requirements: pre-basic material and pre-basic mother plants

        7. 9.Health requirements: candidate pre-basic mother plants and pre-basic mother plants produced by renewal

        8. 10.Health requirements: pre-basic material and pre-basic mother plants

        9. 11.Soil requirements; pre-basic material

        10. 12.Requirements concerning defects likely to impair quality

        11. 12A.Requirements concerning production site

        12. 13.Requirements concerning multiplication, renewal and propagation of pre-basic mother plants

      3. PART 3 Certification of basic material

        1. 14.Propagating material (other than basic mother plants and other than rootstocks not belonging to a variety)

        2. 15.Rootstock not belonging to a variety

        3. 16.Health requirements: basic mother plant or basic material

        4. 17.Soil requirements; basic material

        5. 18.Maintenance requirements: basic mother plants and basic material

        6. 19.Conditions for multiplication: basic mother plants

      4. PART 4 Certification of certified material

        1. 20.Propagating material (other than mother plants) and fruit plants

        2. 21.Rootstock not belonging to a variety

        3. 22.Health requirements: certified mother plants and material

        4. 23.Soil requirements; certified mother plants and material

  8. Explanatory Note