SCHEDULE 1The Combined Authority Mayoral Elections Rules

PART 4Contested elections

Issue of official poll cards27


The returning officer must as soon as practicable after the publication of the notice of the election send to electors and their proxies an official poll card.


An elector's official poll card must be sent or delivered to the elector's qualifying address M1, and a proxy's to the proxy's address as shown in the list of proxies.


The official poll card must be in the appropriate form in the Appendix, or a form to the like effect, and must set out—


the name of the combined authority to which the election relates,


that the election is a combined authority mayoral election,


the elector's name, qualifying address and number on the register,


the date and hours of the poll and the situation of the elector's polling station,


such other information as the returning officer thinks appropriate,

and different information may be provided in pursuance of sub-paragraph (e) to different electors or descriptions of elector.


In the case of an elector with an anonymous entry, instead of containing the matter mentioned in paragraph (3)(c), the poll card must contain such matter as is specified in the appropriate form in the Appendix.


Paragraph (7) of rule 8 shall apply for the interpretation of this rule.