PART 2Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing

CHAPTER 2Risk assessment and controls

Risk assessment by the Treasury and Home Office16


The Treasury and the Home Office must make arrangements before 26th June 2018 for a risk assessment to be undertaken to identify, assess, understand and mitigate the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing affecting the United Kingdom (“the risk assessment”).


The risk assessment must, among other things—


identify any areas where relevant persons should apply enhanced customer due diligence measures, and where appropriate, specify the measures to be taken;


identify, where appropriate, the sectors or areas of lower and greater risk of money laundering and terrorist financing;


consider whether any rules on money laundering and terrorist financing made by a supervisory authority applying in relation to the sector it supervises are appropriate in the light of the risks of money laundering and terrorist financing applying to that sector;


provide the information and analysis necessary to enable it to be used for the purposes set out in paragraph (3).


The Treasury and the Home Office must ensure that the risk assessment is used to—


consider the appropriate allocation and prioritisation of resources to counter money laundering and terrorist financing;


consider whether the exclusions provided for in regulation 15 are being abused;


consider whether providers of gambling services other than casinos should continue to be excluded from the requirements of these Regulations.


For the purpose of paragraph (3)(c), a “provider of gambling services” means a person who by way of business provides facilities for gambling within the meaning of section 5 of the Gambling Act 2005 (facilities for gambling) M1.


In undertaking the risk assessment, the Treasury and the Home Office must take account of the reports made by the Commission under Article 6.1 of the fourth money laundering directive.


The Treasury and the Home Office must prepare a joint report setting out, as appropriate, the findings of the risk assessment as soon as reasonably practicable after the risk assessment is completed.


A copy of that report must be laid before Parliament, and sent to—


the PRA;


the supervisory authorities;


the European Commission;


the European Supervisory Authorities; and


each of the other EEA states.


If information from the risk assessment would assist the supervisory authorities in carrying out their own money laundering and terrorist financing risk assessment, the Treasury and the Home Office must, where appropriate, make that information available to those supervisory authorities, unless to do so would not be compatible with restrictions on sharing information imposed by or under the Data Protection Act 1998 M2 or any other enactment.


The Treasury and the Home Office must take appropriate steps to ensure that the risk assessment is kept up-to-date.