PART 4Algorithmic trading etc by members of trading venues covered by certain exemptions from the markets in financial instruments directive

Provision of information to the FCA concerning algorithmic trading31


If a member of, or participant in, a regulated market or multilateral trading facility (“M”) is subject to the requirements set out in regulation 30 the FCA may require M to provide the information specified in paragraph (2) on a regular or ad hoc basis.


The specified information for the purposes of paragraph (1) is—


a description of the nature of M's algorithmic trading strategies;


details of the trading parameters or limits to which M's trading systems are subject;


information concerning the F2compliance and risk controls M has in place to ensure M meets any requirements imposed on M by regulation 30(2) to (4) (“M's F2compliance and risk controls”);


details of M's testing of M's systems F3... for the purposes of regulation 30(5);


any records M keeps for the purposes of regulation 30(8) and (9); and


any further information about M's algorithmic trading and systems used for that trading.


If M is engaged in algorithmic trading on a trading venue in an EEA State other than the United Kingdom the FCA must, on request, provide the competent authority for that trading venue with any information it receives from M under paragraph (1).