Article 3
A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 16 of the 2008 Act and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act comprising—
In the City of Canterbury and the District of Thanet and the District of Dover
Work No.1 — PC route Canterbury North 400kV Substation to Richborough 400kV Substation
Works to construct a 400kV overhead electric line of approximately 20.6km in length commencing at the Canterbury PC Gantry at Canterbury North 400kV Substation as shown on Works Plan Sheet 1, and terminating at the Richborough PC Gantry at Richborough 400kV Substation as shown on Works Plan Sheet 17. The overhead line consists of 60 pylons and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings.
In the City of Canterbury
Work No.2 — Temporary site compound
Works to construct a temporary site compound, at the location shown on Works Plan Sheet 4 to include—
(a)temporary car parking, hard standing and roadways;
(b)temporary offices and staff welfare portable cabins;
(c)temporary materials, tools and fuel storage areas;
(d)temporary storage of plant and equipment;
(e)wheel cleaning facilities;
(f)security fencing; and
(g)construction and security lighting.
In the District of Thanet
Work No.3 — Temporary site compound
Works to construct a temporary site compound, at the location shown on Works Plan Sheet 17 to include—
(a)temporary car parking, hard standing and roadways;
(b)temporary offices and staff welfare portable cabins;
(c)temporary materials, tools and fuel storage areas;
(d)temporary storage of plant and equipment;
(e)wheel cleaning facilities;
(f)security fencing; and
(g)construction and security lighting.
In the City of Canterbury
Work No.4A — PX route temporary diversion
Works to allow the construction and installation of two single circuit 132kV overhead electric lines supported by wooden poles and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings between pylons PX8 and PX9, as shown on Works Plan Sheet 2.
Work No.4B – PX route temporary diversion
Works to allow the construction and installation of two single circuit 132kV overhead electric lines supported by wooden poles and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings between pylons PX44 and PX46. The removal of existing pylon PX45 and associated conductors, insulators and fittings as shown on Works Plan Sheet 10.
In the District of Thanet
Work No.4C — PX route temporary diversion
Works to allow the construction and installation of two single circuit 132kV overhead electric lines supported by wooden poles and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings between pylons PX56 and PX60. The removal of existing pylons PX57, PX58 and PX59 and associated conductors, insulators and fittings as shown on Works Plan Sheets 12 and 13.
Work No.5A — Temporary diversion of part of the PY route.
Works to allow the temporary diversion of part of the 132kV overhead electric line as shown on Works Plan Sheets 12 and 13 comprising the construction and installation of a single circuit 132kV overhead electric line supported by wooden poles and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings between pylons PY19 and PY20TB1.
Work No.5B — Temporary diversion of part of the PY route.
Works to allow the temporary diversion of part of the 132kV overhead electric line as shown on Works Plan Sheets 12 and 13 comprising the construction and installation of a single circuit 132kV overhead electric line supported by wooden poles and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings between pylons PY19 and PY20TA1.
Work No.5C —PY route
Works to construct and install a new section of 132kV overhead electricity line between PY19 and PY22 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 12 and 13. The overhead line consists of 6 pylons and the installation of conductors, insulators and fittings.
Work No.5D – Removal of part of the PY route
Works to allow the removal of part of the 132kV PY route between PY19 and PY22 as shown on Works Plan Sheets 12 and 13 comprising the removal of existing pylons PY20 and PY21 and the two single circuit 132kV overhead electric line temporary wooden pole diversion between pylons PY19 and PY20TB1 and between pylons PY19 and PY20TA1 and all associated conductors, insulators and fittings.
In the City of Canterbury
Work No.6A — PX route removal
Works to allow the removal of 1.3km of the 132kV PX route overhead electric line commencing at the Canterbury South 132kV Substation PX connection and terminating at Cable Sealing End pylon PX6, including the removal of 6 pylons (PX2 to PX 5, PX5A and PX 6), and associated conductors, insulators and fittings, as shown on Works Plan Sheet 1.
Work No.6B — PX route removal
Works to allow the removal of 9.7km of the 132kV PX route overhead electric line commencing at Cable Sealing End pylon PX7 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 2, and terminating at pylon PX44 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 10 to include the removal of the two single circuit 132kV overhead electric lines between pylons PX8 and PX9 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 2 including the removal of 37 pylons, the wooden poles and associated conductors, insulators and fittings.
Work No.6C — PX route removal
Works to allow the removal of the two single circuit 132kV overhead electric lines commencing at pylon PX44 and terminating at pylon PX46 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 10, including the removal of the wooden poles and associated conductors, insulators and fittings.
In the City of Canterbury and the District of Thanet
Work No.6D — PX route removal
Works to allow the removal of 2.6km of the 132kV PX route overhead electric line commencing at pylon PX46 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 10 and terminating at pylon PX56 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 12 including the removal of 11 pylons and associated conductors, insulators and fittings.
In the District of Thanet
Work No.6E — PX route removal
Works to allow the removal of the two temporary single circuit 132kV overhead electric lines commencing at pylon PX56 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 12 and terminating at pylon PX60 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 13, including the removal of the wooden poles and associated conductors, insulators and fittings.
In the District of Thanet and the District of Dover
Work No.6F — PX route removal
Works to allow the removal of 5.2km of the 132kV PX route overhead electric line commencing at pylon PX60 as shown on Works Plan Sheet 13 and terminating at the Richborough 132kV Substation PX connection as shown on Works Plan Sheet 17 including the removal of 19 pylons and associated conductors, insulators and fittings.
Such associated development within the Order limits as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the construction or maintenance of the above Work Nos. or any of them consisting of—
(a)ramps, means of access, footpaths, bridleways, trackways and pontoons;
(b)embankment, bridge, aprons, abutments, foundations, retaining walls, drainage, wing walls, fencing and culverts;
(c)works to alter the position of apparatus, including mains, sewers, drains and cables;
(d)works to alter the course of, or otherwise interfere with a watercourse;
(e)landscaping and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;
(f)works for the benefit or protection of land affected by the authorised development;
(g)works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance, or reconstruction of any streets;
(h)works to alter or remove or replace road furniture;
(i)site preparation works, site clearance (including scaffolding, fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling);
(j)establishment of site construction compounds, temporary offices, temporary vehicle parking, scaffolding, construction fencing, temporary perimeter enclosure, temporary security fencing, construction related buildings, temporary welfare facilities, construction and security lighting and temporary haulage roads;
(k)installation of wires, cables, ducts, pipes and conductors;
(l)such other works, including working sites storage areas, and works of demolition, as may be necessary for the purposes of or in connection with the construction of the authorised development and which do not give rise to any different environmental effects from those assessed in the Environmental Statement; and
(m)such other works as may be necessary for the purposes of or in connection with the maintenance of the authorised development.