Article 3
In the County of North Yorkshire and the District of Selby a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14(1)(a) and 15 of the 2008 Act and associated development within the meaning of s115(2) of the 2008 Act, comprising—
Work No. 1 – an electricity generating station located on land at the Eggborough Power Station site, near Selby, North Yorkshire, fuelled by natural gas and with a gross output capacity of up to 2,500 megawatts at ISO conditions comprising—
(a)Work No. 1A – a combined cycle gas turbine plant, comprising—
(i)up to three combined cycle gas turbine units;
(ii)turbine hall buildings for gas turbines and steam turbines;
(iii)heat recovery steam generators;
(iv)gas turbine air intake filters;
(v)emissions stacks;
(vii)deaerator and feed water pump buildings;
(viii)nitrogen oxide emissions control equipment and chemical storage;
(ix)chemical sampling / dosing plant;
(x)demineralised water treatment plant, including storage tanks;
(xi)gas reception facility, including gas supply pipeline connection works, gas receiving area, gas compression equipment and building, pipeline internal gauge launcher for pipe inspection, emergency shutdown valves, gas vents and gas metering, dehydration and pressure reduction equipment;
(xii)auxiliary boilers and stacks;
(xiii)standby diesel generators; and
(xiv)continuous emissions monitoring system,
(b)Work No. 1B – a peaking plant and black start plant, fuelled by natural gas and with a combined gross output capacity of up to 299 megawatts at ISO conditions, comprising—
(i)a peaking plant comprising up to two open cycle gas turbine units or up to ten reciprocating gas engines;
(ii)a black start plant comprising one open cycle gas turbine unit or up to three reciprocating gas engines;
(iii)diesel generators for black start plant start-up prior to gas-firing;
(iv)buildings for peaking plant and black start plant;
(v)gas turbine air intake filters;
(vi)continuous emissions monitoring system;
(vii)transformers; and
(viii)emissions stacks,
(c)Work No. 1C – combined cycle gas turbine plant cooling infrastructure, comprising—
(i)up to three banks of cooling towers;
(ii)cooling water pumps, plant and buildings; and
(iii)cooling water dosing and sampling plant and buildings,
(d)in connection with and in addition to Work Nos. 1A, 1B and 1C—
(i)administration and control buildings;
(ii)diesel fuel storage tanks and unloading area;
(iii)pipework, pipe runs and pipe racks;
(iv)an electrical substation, electrical equipment, buildings and enclosures;
(v)auxiliary plant, buildings, enclosures and structures;
(vi)workshop and stores buildings;
(vii)fire fighting equipment, buildings and distribution pipework;
(viii)fire and raw water storage tanks;
(ix)fire water retention basin;
(x)chemical storage facilities;
(xi)lubrication oils and grease storage facilities;
(xii)permanent plant laydown area for operation and maintenance activities;
(xiii)closed circuit cooling water plant and buildings;
(xiv)waste water treatment plant and building; and
(xv)mechanical, electrical, gas, telecommunications and water networks, pipework, cables, racks, infrastructure, instrumentation and utilities, including connections between Work Nos. 3, 4, 5, and 6, and parts of Work Nos. 1A, 1B and 1C.
and further associated development in connection with the nationally significant infrastructure project referred to in Work No. 1, comprising—
Work No. 2 comprising—
(e)Work No. 2A – temporary construction and laydown area comprising hard standing, laydown and open storage areas, backfilling of the lagoon, contractor compounds and construction staff welfare facilities, gatehouse and weighbridge, vehicle parking and cycle storage facilities, internal roads and pedestrian and cycle routes, security fencing and gates, external lighting including lighting columns, and, closed circuit television cameras and columns; and
(f)Work No. 2B – carbon capture readiness reserve space.
Work No. 3 – electrical connection works comprising—
(g)Work No. 3A – up to 400 kilovolt underground electrical cables and control systems cables to and from the existing National Grid substation; and
(h)Work No. 3B – works within the existing National Grid substation, including underground and over ground cables, connections to busbars and new, upgraded or replacement equipment.
Work No. 4 – cooling water connection works, comprising works to the existing cooling water supply and discharge pipelines and intake and outfall structures, including, as necessary, new, upgraded or replacement pipelines, plant, buildings, enclosures and structures, and underground electrical supply cables, transformers and control systems cables.
Work No. 5 – groundwater and towns water supply connection works, including works to the existing towns water pipelines and groundwater boreholes and pipelines, replacement and new pipelines, plant, buildings, enclosures and structures and underground electrical supply cables, transformers and control systems cables.
Work No. 6 – gas supply pipeline connection works for the transport of natural gas to Work No. 1, comprising an underground high pressure steel pipeline of up to 1,000 millimetres (nominal bore) in diameter and approximately 4.6 kilometres in length, including cathodic protection posts, marker posts and underground electrical supply cables, transformers and control systems cables running from within the Eggborough Power Station site, north under the River Aire to a connection point with the National Transmission System for gas No. 29 Feeder pipeline west of Burn Village.
Work No. 7 – an above ground installation west of Burn Village, connecting the gas supply pipeline (Work No. 6) to the National Transmission System No. 29 Feeder pipeline, comprising—
(i)Work No. 7A – a compound for National Grid’s apparatus, comprising—
(i)an offtake connection from the National Transmission System;
(ii)above and below ground valves, flanges and pipework;
(iii)an above or below ground remotely operated valve;
(iv)an above or below ground remotely operated valve bypass;
(v)an above or below ground pressurisation bridle;
(vi)instrumentation and electrical kiosks; and
(vii)telemetry equipment kiosks and communications equipment,
(j)Work No. 7B – a compound for the undertaker’s apparatus, comprising—
(i)above and below ground valves, flanges and pipework;
(ii)an above or below ground isolation valve;
(iii)an above or below ground pipeline inline gauge launching facility;
(iv)instrumentation and electrical kiosks; and
(v)telemetry equipment kiosks and communications equipment,
(k)in connection with Work Nos. 7A and 7B, access works, vehicle parking, electrical and telecommunications connections, surface water drainage, security fencing and gates, closed circuit television cameras and columns and perimeter landscaping.
Work No. 8 – retained landscaping comprising—
(l)soft landscaping including planting;
(m)biodiversity enhancement measures; and
(n)security fencing, gates, boundary treatment and other means of enclosure.
Work No. 9 – surface water drainage connection to Hensall Dyke, comprising works to install, repair or replace drainage pipes and works to Hensall Dyke.
Work No. 10 – vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access works and rail infrastructure including alterations to or replacement of the existing private rail line, installation of new rail lines and crossover points and ancillary equipment.
In connection with and in addition to Works Nos. 1 to 7 and Work Nos. 9 and 10, further associated development including—
(o)surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins, oil water separators, including channelling and culverting and works to existing drainage systems;
(p)electrical, gas, potable water supply, foul water drainage and telecommunications infrastructure connections and works, and works to alter the position of such services and utilities connections;
(q)hard standing and hard landscaping;
(r)soft landscaping, including embankments and planting;
(s)biodiversity enhancement measures;
(t)security fencing, gates, boundary treatment and other means of enclosure;
(u)external lighting, including lighting columns;
(v)gatehouses and weighbridges;
(w)closed circuit television cameras and columns and other security measures;
(x)site establishment and preparation works, including site clearance (including vegetation removal, demolition of existing buildings and structures); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling) and excavations; the creation of temporary construction access points; the alteration of the position of services and utilities; and works for the protection of buildings and land;
(y)temporary construction laydown areas and contractor facilities, including materials and plant storage and laydown areas; generators; concrete batching facilities; vehicle and cycle parking facilities; pedestrian and cycle routes and facilities; offices and staff welfare facilities; security fencing and gates; external lighting; roadways and haul routes; wheel wash facilities; and signage;
(z)vehicle parking and cycle storage facilities;
(aa)accesses, roads and pedestrian and cycle routes;
(bb)tunnelling, boring and drilling works;
(cc)and, to the extent that it does not form part of such works, further associated development comprising such other works (i) as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the relevant part of the authorised development and (ii) which fall within the scope of the works assessed in the environmental statement.