Article 3
1. In this schedule—
“carbon capture readiness reserve space” means the area comprised in Work No. 2B shown on the works plans;
“commissioning” means the process of assuring that all systems and components of the authorised development (which are installed or installation is near to completion) are tested to verify that they function and are operable in accordance with the design objectives, specifications and operational requirements of the undertaker, and “commission” and other cognate expressions, in relation to the authorised development, are to be construed accordingly;
“Environment Agency” means the non-departmental public body of that name created by section 1 of the Environment Act 1995();
“existing coal-fired power station” means the Eggborough coal-fired power station which, at the date of this Order, is located both within the Order limits and within the immediate vicinity of the Order limits;
“Highways England” means Highways England Company Limited or such other person who is appointed as the strategic highways company in respect of the M62 motorway pursuant to section 1 of the Infrastructure Act 2015();
“lead local flood authority” means the body designated as such, for the area in which the authorised development is located, pursuant to section 6(7) of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010();
“Marine Management Organisation” means the body of that name created by section 1 of the 2009 Act;
“North Yorkshire Police” means the police force for the area in which the authorised development is located pursuant to section 1 of the Police Act 1996();
“North Yorkshire County Council” means the county council for the area in which the authorised development is located pursuant to section 1 of the Local Government Act 1972();
“a part” of the authorised development means any part of Works Nos. 1-10;
“permitted preliminary works” means works within the areas of Work Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 to the extent that those are within the area of the existing coal-fired power station, consisting of environmental surveys, geotechnical surveys and other investigations for the purpose of assessing ground conditions, the preparation of facilities for the use of contractors (excluding earthworks and excavations), the provision of temporary means of enclosure and site security for construction, the temporary display of site notices or advertisements and any other works agreed by the relevant planning authority, provided that these will not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement;
“shut-down period” means a period after construction works have finished during which activities including changing out of work wear, the departure of workers, post-works briefings and closing and securing the site take place;
“Sport England” means the non-departmental public body of that name of 21 Bloomsbury Street, London, WC1B 3HF;
“start-up period” means a period prior to construction works commencing during which activities including the opening up of the site, the arrival of workers, changing in to work wear and pre-works briefings take place; and
“Yorkshire Wildlife Trust” means Yorkshire Wildlife Trust (company registration number 409650 and registered charity number 210807) of 1 St. George’s Place, York, YO24 1GN.
Commencement of the authorised development
2.—(1) The authorised development must not be commenced after the expiration of five years from the date this Order comes into force.
(2) The authorised development must not commence unless the undertaker has given the relevant planning authority fourteen days’ notice of its intention to commence the authorised development.
Notice of commencement and completion of commissioning
3.—(1) Notice of the intended start of commissioning of the authorised development must be given to the relevant planning authority where practicable prior to such start and in any event within seven days from the date that commissioning is started.
(2) Notice of the intended completion of commissioning of the authorised development must be given to the relevant planning authority where practicable prior to such completion and in any event within seven days from the date that commissioning is completed.
Notice of commencement of commercial use and requirement for cessation of existing coal-fired power station electricity generation
4.—(1) Notice of the intended start of commercial use of the authorised development must be given to the relevant planning authority where practicable prior to such start and in any event within seven days from the date that commercial use is started.
(2) The authorised development must not enter commercial use if the existing coal-fired power station has not ceased to generate electricity.
Detailed design
5.—(1) In relation to any part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 1 no development of that part may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, in respect of sub-paragraph (d) after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)the siting, layout, scale and external appearance, including the colour, materials and surface finishes of all new permanent buildings and structures;
(b)finished floor levels;
(c)hard standings;
(d)the internal vehicular access and circulation roads, loading and unloading, vehicle parking and turning facilities, cycle parking and routes, and pedestrian facilities and routes; and
(e)surface water management.
(2) Prior to commencing any part of Work No. 1 the undertaker must notify the relevant planning authority as to whether it is to construct that part in accordance with the design parameters in Part 1 of Schedule 14 (single-shaft parameters) or Part 2 of Schedule 14 (multi-shaft parameters), and the design parameters notified pursuant to this paragraph are the “relevant parameters” for the purposes of this requirement.
(3) Work No. 1 must be carried out in accordance with the relevant parameters.
(4) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 2 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, in respect of sub-paragraphs (a), (d) and (e) after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)hard standings, laydown and open storage areas;
(b)contractor compounds and construction staff welfare facilities;
(d)vehicle parking and cycle storage facilities;
(e)the internal vehicular access and circulation roads, loading and unloading, vehicle parking and turning facilities, cycle parking and routes, and pedestrian facilities and routes;
(f)surface water drainage; and
(g)the area to be reserved as the carbon capture readiness reserve space.
(5) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 3, save for the permitted preliminary works, may commence until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)the route and method of installation of the 400 kilovolt underground electrical cables to the existing National Grid substation; and
(b)the connections within the existing National Grid substation, including the underground and overground electrical cables, connections to the existing busbars and new, upgraded or replacement equipment.
(6) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 4 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, after consultation with the Environment Agency, the Marine Management Organisation and the Canal and River Trust, approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)the route and method of construction of any upgraded or replacement cooling water supply and discharge pipelines;
(b)the method of construction, siting, layout, scale and external appearance of any upgraded or replacement intake and outfall structures within the River Aire, including the screens to be installed to those structures in accordance with the Eel (England and Wales) Regulations 2009() and any ancillary plant, buildings, enclosures or structures; and
(c)the method and timing of installation and removal of the cofferdams at the intake and outfall points, their phasing, and the extent to which each extends into the River Aire.
(7) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 5 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority and Sport England, approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)the route and method of construction of any upgraded or replacement ground and towns water supply pipelines;
(b)the method of construction, siting, layout, scale and external appearance of any upgraded or replacement ancillary plant, buildings, enclosures or structures;
(c)measures to minimise disruption to users of the Eggborough Sports and Social Club recreational and sports facilities; and
(d)the reinstatement of the land to allow for continued recreational and sports use.
(8) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 6 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority and the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)temporary construction laydown and open storage areas, including contractor compounds;
(b)temporary construction accesses;
(c)vehicle parking facilities;
(d)the route and method of installation of the high pressure steel pipeline and any electrical supply, telemetry and other apparatus, including under and within the footprint of any flood defences;
(e)the approximate number and location of cathodic protection posts and marker posts; and
(f)surface water drainage.
(9) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 7 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, in respect of sub-paragraph (d) after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)the method of connecting the gas supply pipeline to the National Transmission System No. 29 Feeder pipeline;
(b)the siting, layout, scale and external appearance, including the colour, materials and surface finishes of all new permanent buildings, structures and above ground apparatus;
(c)hard standings;
(d)the internal vehicular access and circulation roads, loading and unloading, vehicle parking and turning facilities; and
(e)surface water drainage.
(10) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 9 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and, after consultation with the relevant internal drainage board, been approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)the alterations, repairs to or replacement of surface water drainage pipes to Hensall Dyke; and
(b)any works to Hensall Dyke.
(11) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 10 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the following for that part have been submitted to and after consultation with the highway authority approved by the relevant planning authority—
(a)works to vehicular, cycle and pedestrian access; and
(b)the alterations to or replacement of the existing private rail lines, new rail lines, crossover points and ancillary equipment.
(12) Work Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 must be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Landscaping and biodiversity protection management and enhancement
6.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a landscaping and biodiversity protection plan for that part has been submitted to and, after consultation with North Yorkshire County Council and the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The plan submitted and approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must include details of—
(a)measures to protect existing shrub and tree planting that is to be retained; and
(b)biodiversity and habitat mitigation and impact avoidance.
(3) The plan submitted and approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented as approved throughout the construction of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(4) No part of the authorised development may be commissioned until a landscaping and biodiversity management and enhancement plan for that part has been submitted to and, after consultation with North Yorkshire County Council and the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(5) The plan submitted and approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (4) must include details of—
(a)implementation and management of all new shrub and tree planting;
(b)measures to enhance and maintain existing shrub and tree planting that is to be retained;
(c)measures to enhance biodiversity and habitats;
(d)an implementation timetable; and
(e)annual landscaping and biodiversity management and maintenance.
(6) Any shrub or tree planted as part of the approved plan that, within a period of five years after planting, is removed, dies or becomes, in the opinion of the relevant planning authority, seriously damaged or diseased, must be replaced in the first available planting season with a specimen of the same species and size as that originally planted unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(7) The plan submitted and approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (4) must be in accordance with the principles of the indicative landscaping and biodiversity strategy.
(8) The plan must be implemented and maintained as approved during the operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Public rights of way diversions
7.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a public rights of way management plan for any sections of public rights of way shown to be temporarily closed on the access and rights of way plans for that part has been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The plan must include details of—
(a)measures to minimise the length of any sections of public rights of way to be temporarily closed; and
(b)advance publicity and signage in respect of any sections of public rights of way to be temporarily closed.
(3) The plan must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the highway authority.
External lighting
8.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a scheme for all external lighting to be installed during construction for that part (with the exception of the aviation warning lighting required by virtue of requirement 29) has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) No part of the authorised development may be commissioned until a scheme for all permanent external lighting to be installed (with the exception of the aviation warning lighting required by virtue of requirement 29) has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(3) The schemes submitted and approved pursuant to sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) of this requirement must be in accordance with the indicative lighting strategy and include measures to minimise and otherwise mitigate any artificial light emissions during the construction and operation of the authorised development.
(4) The schemes must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Highway accesses
9.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the siting, design and layout (including visibility splays and construction specification) of any new or modified permanent or temporary means of access between any part of the Order limits and the public highway to be used by vehicular traffic during construction, and the means of reinstating any such means of access after construction has, for that part, been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The highway accesses approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must be constructed in accordance with the approved details prior to the start of construction of the relevant part of the authorised development (other than the accesses), and where temporary, reinstated prior to the authorised development being brought into commercial use, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(3) No part of the authorised development may be brought into commercial use until details of the siting, design and layout (including visibility splays and construction specification) of any new or modified permanent means of access to a highway to be used by vehicular traffic, has, for that part, been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(4) The highway accesses approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (3) must be constructed in accordance with the details approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Means of enclosure
10.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of a programme for the removal of all temporary means of enclosure for any construction areas or sites associated with the authorised development have, for that part, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) Any construction areas or sites associated with the authorised development must remain securely fenced at all times during construction and commissioning of the authorised development in accordance with the details approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1).
(3) No part of the authorised development may be brought into commercial use until details of any proposed permanent means of enclosure, have, for that part, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(4) No part of the authorised development may be brought into commercial use until any approved permanent means of enclosure has been completed.
(5) The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(6) In this requirement, “means of enclosure” means fencing, walls or other means of boundary treatment and enclosure.
Site security - above ground installation (Work No. 7)
11.—(1) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 7 may be brought into use until a written scheme detailing security measures to minimise the risk of crime has, for that part, been submitted to and, after consultation with North Yorkshire Police, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The approved scheme must be maintained and operated throughout the operation of Work No. 7.
Fire prevention
12.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a fire prevention method statement providing details of fire detection measures, fire suppression measures and the location of accesses to all fire appliances in all of the major building structures and storage areas within the authorised development, including measures to contain and treat water used to suppress any fire has, for that part, been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The authorised development must be implemented in accordance with the approved details and all relevant fire suppression measures and fire appliances must be maintained to the reasonable satisfaction of the relevant planning authority at all times throughout the operation of the authorised development.
Surface and foul water drainage
13.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the temporary surface and foul water drainage systems, including means of pollution control in accordance with the construction environmental management plan and a management and maintenance plan to ensure that the systems remain fully operational throughout the construction of the relevant part of the authorised development have, for that part, been submitted to, and after consultation with the Environment Agency, lead local flood authority and relevant internal drainage board, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented as approved and maintained throughout the construction of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(3) Details of the permanent surface and foul water drainage systems, including a programme for their implementation, must be submitted to, and after consultation with the Environment Agency and relevant internal drainage board, approved by the relevant planning authority prior to the start of construction of any part of those systems.
(4) The details submitted and approved pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (3) of this requirement must be in accordance with the principles set out in chapter 11 and appendix 11A of the environmental statement.
(5) The scheme approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (3) must be implemented as approved and maintained throughout the operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Flood risk mitigation
14.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a scheme for the mitigation of flood risk during construction, has, for that part, been submitted to, and after consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must be implemented as approved and maintained throughout the construction of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(3) No part of the authorised development may be commissioned until a scheme for the mitigation of flood risk during operation has, for that part, been submitted to and, after consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(4) The schemes submitted and approved pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (3) of this requirement must be in accordance with the principles set out in chapter 11 and appendix 11A of the environmental statement.
(5) The scheme approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (3) must be implemented as approved and maintained throughout the operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(6) The authorised development must not be commissioned until the flood risk mitigation has been implemented and a flood emergency response and contingency plan has been submitted to, and after consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(7) The plan approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (6) must be implemented throughout the commissioning and operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Contaminated land and groundwater
15.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for geotechnical surveys and other investigations for the purpose of assessing ground conditions, until a scheme to deal with the contamination of land, including groundwater, which is likely to cause significant harm to persons or pollution of controlled waters or the environment, has, for that part, been submitted to and, after consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme submitted and approved must be in accordance with the principles set out in chapter 12 of the environmental statement and the environmental statement commitments register and must be included in the construction environmental management plan submitted pursuant to requirement 18.
(3) The scheme must include a risk assessment, supported by site investigation data, to identify the extent of any contamination and the remedial measures to be taken to render the land fit for its intended purpose, together with a materials management plan, which sets out long-term measures with respect to any contaminants remaining on the site.
(4) The authorised development, including any remediation, must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
16.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a written scheme of investigation for that part has been submitted to and, after consultation with North Yorkshire County Council in its capacity as the relevant archaeological body, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme submitted and approved must be in accordance with chapter 13 of the environmental statement.
(3) The scheme must identify any areas where further archaeological investigations are required and the nature and extent of the investigation required in order to preserve by knowledge or in-situ any archaeological features that are identified.
(4) The scheme must provide details of the measures to be taken to protect record or preserve any significant archaeological features that may be found.
(5) Any archaeological investigations implemented and measures taken to protect record or preserve any identified significant archaeological features that may be found must be carried out—
(a)in accordance with the approved scheme; and
(b)by a suitably qualified person or organisation approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with North Yorkshire County Council unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Protected species
17.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until further survey work for that part has been carried out to establish whether any protected species are present on any of the land affected, or likely to be affected, by that part of the authorised development.
(2) Where a protected species is shown to be present, no authorised development of that part must commence until, after consultation with Natural England, a scheme of protection and mitigation measures has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(3) The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Construction environmental management plan
18.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a construction environmental management plan has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The plan submitted and approved must be in accordance with appendix 5A of the environmental statement and the indicative landscaping and biodiversity strategy and incorporate—
(a)a code of construction practice, specifying measures designed to minimise the impacts of construction works;
(b)a scheme for the control of any emissions to air;
(c)a soil management plan;
(d)a sediment control plan;
(e)a scheme for environmental monitoring and reporting during the construction of the authorised development, including measures for undertaking any corrective actions; and
(f)a scheme for the notification of any significant construction impacts on local residents and for handling any complaints received from local residents relating to such impacts during the construction of the authorised development.
(3) All construction works associated with the authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the approved construction environmental management plan unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Protection of highway surfaces
19.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details for undertaking condition surveys of the relevant highways which are maintainable at the public expense and which are to be used during construction have been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The condition surveys must be undertaken in accordance with the approved details and a schedule of repairs, including a programme for undertaking any such repairs and their inspection, must, following the completion of the post-construction condition surveys, be submitted to, and after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(3) The schedule of repairs must be carried out as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Construction traffic management plan
20.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a construction traffic management plan has been submitted to and, after consultation with Highways England and the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The plan submitted and approved must be in accordance with chapter 14 of the environmental statement and the framework construction traffic management plan contained in appendix 14A to the environmental statement.
(3) The plan submitted and approved must include—
(a)details of the routes to be used for the delivery of construction materials and any temporary signage to identify routes and promote their safe use, including details of the access points to the construction site to be used by light goods vehicles and heavy goods vehicles;
(b)details of the routing strategy and procedures for the notification and conveyance of abnormal indivisible loads, including agreed routes, the numbers of abnormal loads to be delivered by road and measures to mitigate traffic impact;
(c)the construction programme;
(d)details of the likely programme for the demolition of the existing coal-fired power station and, in the event that peak traffic numbers from each of that project and the construction of the authorised development are likely to coincide and give rise to potentially significant effects, details of measures within the undertaker’s direct control, to ensure that significant effects arising from the combined traffic on local roads are where possible avoided, reduced or mitigated; and
(e)any necessary measures for the temporary protection of carriageway surfaces, the protection of statutory undertakers’ plant and equipment, and any temporary removal of street furniture.
(4) Notices must be erected and maintained throughout the period of construction at every entrance to and exit from the construction site, indicating to drivers the approved routes for traffic entering and leaving the construction site.
(5) The plan must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Construction workers travel plan
21.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a construction workers travel plan has been submitted to and, after consultation with the highway authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The plan submitted and approved must be in accordance with chapter 14 of the environmental statement and the framework construction workers travel plan contained in appendix 14A of the environmental statement.
(3) The plan submitted and approved must include—
(a)measures to promote the use of sustainable transport modes to and from the authorised development by construction staff;
(b)provision as to the responsibility for, and timescales of, the implementation of those measures;
(c)details of parking for construction personnel within the construction sites; and
(d)a monitoring and review regime.
(4) The approved plan must be implemented within three months of commencement of the authorised development and must be maintained throughout the construction of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Construction hours
22.—(1) Construction work relating to the authorised development must not take place on bank holidays nor otherwise outside the hours of—
(a)0700 to 1900 hours on Monday to Friday; and
(b)0700 to 1300 hours on a Saturday.
(2) Delivery or removal of materials, plant and machinery must not take place on bank holidays nor otherwise outside the hours of—
(a)0800 to 1800 hours on Monday to Friday; and
(b)0800 to 1300 hours on a Saturday.
(3) The restrictions in sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) do not apply to construction work or the delivery or removal of materials, plant and machinery, where these—
(a)do not exceed a noise limit measured at the Order limits and which must be first agreed with the relevant planning authority in accordance with requirement 23;
(b)are carried out with the prior approval of the relevant planning authority; or
(c)are associated with an emergency.
(4) The restrictions in sub-paragraph (2) do not apply to the delivery of abnormal indivisible loads, where this is—
(a)associated with an emergency; or
(b)carried out with the prior approval of the relevant planning authority.
(5) Sub-paragraph (1) does not preclude—
(a)a start-up period from 0630 to 0700 and a shut-down period from 1900 to 1930 Monday to Friday and a start-up period from 0630 to 0700 and a shut-down period from 1300 to 1330 on a Saturday; or
(b)maintenance at any time of plant and machinery engaged in the construction of the authorised development.
(6) In this requirement “emergency” means a situation where, if the relevant action is not taken, there will be adverse health, safety, security or environmental consequences that in the reasonable opinion of the undertaker would outweigh the adverse effects to the public (whether individuals, classes or generally as the case may be) of taking that action.
Control of noise and vibration - construction
23.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a scheme for the monitoring and control of noise and vibration during the construction of that part of the authorised development has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme submitted and approved must specify—
(a)each location from which noise is to be monitored;
(b)the method of noise measurement;
(c)the maximum permitted levels of noise at each monitoring location to be determined with reference to the ABC Assessment Method for the different working time periods, as set out in BS 5228-1:2009+A1:2014, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the relevant planning authority for specific construction activities;
(d)provision as to the circumstances in which construction activities must cease as a result of a failure to comply with a maximum permitted level of noise; and
(e)the noise control measures to be employed.
(3) The scheme must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Control of noise - operation
24.—(1) No part of the authorised development may be brought into commercial use until a scheme for management and monitoring of noise during operation of the authorised development has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) Noise (in terms of the BS4142:2014 rating level) from the operation of the authorised development must be no greater than equal to the defined representative background sound level during the daytime and no greater than +5dB different to the defined representative background sound level during the night time adjacent to the nearest residential properties at such locations as agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(3) The scheme submitted pursuant to sub-paragraph (1) must include a report setting out the extent to which the undertaker is able to achieve lower night time noise levels than those set out in sub-paragraph (2) and an explanation as to the levels that can be achieved.
(4) The scheme must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(5) In this requirement “daytime” means the period from 0700 to 2300 and “night time” means the period from 2300 to 0700.
Piling and penetrative foundation design
25.—(1) No part of the authorised development comprised within Work No. 1 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a written piling and penetrative foundation design method statement, informed by a risk assessment, for that part, has been submitted to and, after consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) All piling and penetrative foundation works must be carried out in accordance with the approved method statement unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Waste management on site - construction wastes
26.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a construction site waste management plan for that part has been submitted to and, after consultation with North Yorkshire County Council in its capacity as the relevant waste planning authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The plan submitted and approved must be in accordance with the principles set out in chapter 17 and appendix 5A of the environmental statement.
(3) The plan must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Restoration of land used temporarily for construction
27.—(1) The authorised development must not be brought into commercial use until a scheme for the restoration of any land within the Order limits which has been used temporarily for construction has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The land must be restored within three years of the authorised development being brought into commercial use (or such other period as the relevant planning authority may approve), in accordance with—
(a)the restoration scheme approved in accordance with sub-paragraph (1); and
(b)the landscaping and biodiversity management and enhancement plan approved in accordance with requirement 6(4).
Combined heat and power
28.—(1) The authorised development must not be brought into commercial use until the relevant planning authority has given notice that it is satisfied that the undertaker has allowed for space and routes within the design of the authorised development for the later provision of heat pass-outs for off-site users of process or space heating and its later connection to such systems, should they be identified and commercially viable.
(2) The undertaker must maintain such space and routes during the operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(3) On the date that is 12 months after the authorised development is first brought into commercial use, the undertaker must submit to the planning authority for its approval a report (‘the CHP review’) updating the CHP assessment.
(4) The CHP review submitted and approved must—
(a)consider the opportunities that reasonably exist for the export of heat from the authorised development at the time of submission; and
(b)include a list of actions (if any) that the undertaker is reasonably to take (without material additional cost to the undertaker) to increase the potential for the export of heat from the authorised development.
(5) The undertaker must take such actions as are included, within the timescales specified, in the approved CHP review unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
(6) On each date during the operation of the authorised development that is four years after the date on which it last submitted the CHP review or a revised CHP review to the relevant planning authority, the undertaker must submit to the relevant planning authority for its approval a revised CHP review.
(7) Sub-paragraphs (4) and (5) apply in relation to a revised CHP review submitted under sub-paragraph (6) in the same way as they apply in relation to the CHP review submitted under sub-paragraph (3).
Aviation warning lighting
29.—(1) No part of the authorised development comprised within Work No. 1 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the aviation warning lighting to be installed for that part during construction and operation have been submitted to, and after consultation with the Civil Aviation Authority, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The aviation warning lighting approved pursuant to paragraph (1) must be installed and operated in accordance with the approved details.
Air safety
30. No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until details of the information that is required by the Defence Geographic Centre of the Ministry of Defence to chart the site for aviation purposes for that part have been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
Carbon capture readiness reserve space
31.—(1) Until such time as the authorised development is decommissioned, the undertaker must not, without the consent of the Secretary of State—
(a)dispose of any interest in the carbon capture readiness reserve space; or
(b)do anything, or allow anything to be done or to occur,
which may reasonably be expected to diminish the undertaker’s ability, within two years of such action or occurrence, to prepare the carbon capture readiness reserve space for the installation and operation of carbon capture equipment, should it be deemed necessary to do so.
Carbon capture readiness monitoring report
32.—(1) The undertaker must make a report (‘carbon capture readiness monitoring report’) to the Secretary of State—
(a)on or before the date on which three months have passed from first commercial use; and
(b)within one month of the second anniversary, and each subsequent even-numbered anniversary, of that date.
(2) Each carbon capture readiness monitoring report must provide evidence that the undertaker has complied with requirement 31—
(a)in the case of the first carbon capture readiness monitoring report, since this Order was made; and
(b)in the case of any subsequent report, since the making of the previous carbon capture readiness monitoring report, and explain how the undertaker expects to continue to comply with requirement 31 over the next two years.
(3) Each carbon capture readiness monitoring report must state whether the undertaker considers the retrofit of carbon capture technology is feasible explaining the reasons for any such conclusion and whether any impediments could be overcome.
(4) Each carbon capture readiness monitoring report must state, with reasons, whether the undertaker has decided to seek any additional regulatory clearances, or to modify any existing regulatory clearances, in respect of any carbon capture readiness proposals.
Local liaison committee
33.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until the undertaker has established a committee to liaise with local residents and organisations about matters relating to the authorised development (a ‘local liaison committee’).
(2) The undertaker must invite the relevant planning authority and other relevant interest groups, as may be agreed with the relevant planning authority, to nominate representatives to join the local liaison committee.
(3) The undertaker must provide a full secretariat service and supply an appropriate venue for the local liaison committee meetings to take place.
(4) The local liaison committee must—
(a)include representatives of the undertaker;
(b)meet every other month, starting in the month prior to commencement of the authorised development, until the completion of construction, testing and commissioning works unless otherwise agreed by the majority of the members of the local liaison committee; and
(c)during the operation of the authorised development meet once a year unless otherwise agreed by the majority of the members of the local liaison committee.
Employment, skills and training plan
34.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a plan detailing arrangements to promote employment, skills and training development opportunities for local residents during construction and employment opportunities during operation of the authorised development has been submitted to, and after consultation with North Yorkshire County Council, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The approved plan must be implemented and maintained during the construction and operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planning authority.
Ambient air monitoring
35.—(1) The authorised development must not be commissioned until a written scheme of air quality monitoring has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme submitted and approved must provide for the monitoring of nitrogen oxides and must specify—
(a)each location within the vicinity of Hensall at which air pollution is to be measured;
(b)the equipment and method of measurement to be used; and
(c)the frequency of measurement.
(3) The first measurement made in accordance with the scheme must be made not less than 12 months before the authorised development is brought into commercial use.
(4) Unless the relevant planning authority gives the undertaker notice under sub-paragraph (6), the final measurement made in accordance with the scheme must be made at least 24 months after the first commercial use of the authorised development.
(5) The scheme must be implemented as approved.
(6) The relevant planning authority may, if it considers appropriate, give notice to the undertaker that the scheme is to be extended for the period specified in the notice, which may not be more than 24 months from the date of the final measurement in accordance with the scheme as originally approved.
(7) The relevant planning authority may not serve notice pursuant to sub-paragraph (6) after the date which is 18 months after the date that the authorised development is brought into commercial use.
(8) For each year during which measurements are made pursuant to this requirement, the undertaker must, within three months after the final measurement made in that year, provide the relevant planning authority with a report of measurements made in accordance with the scheme in that year.
36.—(1) Within 12 months of the date that the undertaker decides to decommission the authorised development, the undertaker must submit to the relevant planning authority for its approval a decommissioning environmental management plan.
(2) No decommissioning works must be carried out until the relevant planning authority has approved the plan.
(3) The plan submitted and approved must be in accordance with the principles set out in the environmental statement and must include measures to address any significant noise and vibration effects.
(4) The plan submitted and approved must include details of—
(a)the buildings to be demolished;
(b)the means of removal of the materials resulting from the decommissioning works;
(c)the phasing of the demolition and removal works;
(d)any restoration works to restore the land to a condition agreed with the relevant planning authority;
(e)the phasing of any restoration works; and
(f)a timetable for the implementation of the scheme.
(5) The plan must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Requirement for written approval
37. Where under any of the above requirements the approval or agreement of the relevant planning authority or another person is required, that approval or agreement must be provided in writing.
Approved details and amendments to them
38.—(1) All details submitted for the approval of the relevant planning authority under these requirements must be in accordance with the parameters of the environmental statement and reflect the principles set out in the documents certified under article 38.
(2) With respect to any requirement which requires the authorised development to be carried out in accordance with the details approved by the relevant planning authority, the approved details are to be taken to include any amendments that may subsequently be approved by the relevant planning authority.
Amendments agreed by the relevant planning authority
39.—(1) Where the words “unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planning authority” appear in the above requirements, any such approval or agreement may only be given in relation to non-material amendments and where it has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of that authority that the subject matter of the approval or agreement sought will not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.
(2) In cases where the requirement or the relevant sub-paragraph requires consultation with specified persons, any such approval or agreement must not be given without the relevant planning authority having first consulted with those persons.
Ground subsidence
40.—(1) No part of the authorised development comprised in Work No. 6 may commence, save for the permitted preliminary works, until a scheme for monitoring ground subsidence in and around the flood defences for the River Aire has been submitted to, and following consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(2) The scheme must set out—
(a)the details of the work which is to be subject to monitoring;
(b)the extent of land to be monitored;
(c)the manner in which ground levels are to be monitored;
(d)the duration of monitoring activities; and
(e)the extent of ground subsidence which, if exceeded, will require the undertaker to submit a ground subsidence mitigation scheme for the Environment Agency’s approval in accordance with sub-paragraph (3).
(3) If the monitoring identifies that ground subsidence has exceeded the level described in sub-paragraph (2)(e), a scheme setting out mitigation measures in relation to the ground subsidence must be submitted as soon as is reasonably practicable to and, following consultation with the Environment Agency, approved by the relevant planning authority.
(4) The mitigation scheme approved pursuant to sub-paragraph (3) must be implemented as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing with the relevant planning authority.