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CHAPTER 2 Customs declarations
SECTION 1 UK establishment and goods excluded from sections 2 to 4 of this chapter
SECTION 4 Customs declarations made by conduct
24.Free-circulation procedure: baggage, musical instruments and other goods
26A.Free-circulation procedure: goods imported at RoRo listed locations
26D.Free-circulation procedure: goods imported at other listed locations
26F.Free-circulation procedure: Human Organs etc. needed for transplant
26FA.Free-circulation procedure: use, sale or consumption of non-domestic stores on board a non-qualifying vehicle
26H.Persons eligible to use UK Continental Shelf simplifications
27A.Temporary admission procedure: goods imported at RoRo listed locations
27D.Temporary admission procedure: goods imported at other listed locations
27G.Storage procedure: unloading of surplus stores for storage
27H.Inward processing procedure: unloading of stores for refurbishment
CHAPTER 3 Simplified Customs declaration process
SECTION A1 Transitional EIDR simplified Customs declarations process
SECTION 2 Simplified Customs declarations using the EIDR procedure
Persons authorised to use the simplified Customs declaration process and...
CHAPTER 4 Customs declarations: different types of goods in consignments
CHAPTER 5 Advance electronic declarations by qualifying travellers
CHAPTER 5A Other advance declarations by qualifying travellers
PART 9 Approvals and authorisations and authorised economic operators
85A.Authorisations not requiring an application but subject to revocation
86.Cases in which an application for approval may not be made
87.HMRC to consider whether an approval falls to be determined
90.Notification of HMRC of change of circumstances relating to an approval
92.Transitional provision – approval or authorisation granted before IP completion day
PART 12 Valuation of chargeable goods
CHAPTER 3 Transaction value: specified matters – included elements
CHAPTER 4 Transaction value: specified matters – excluded elements
CHAPTER 6 Comparable, identical and similar goods and related persons
PART 13C Chargeable Goods Destined for Other Listed Locations