SCHEDULE 3The United Kingdom transit procedure

PART 2Operation of the UK transit procedure

End of the UK transit procedure

8.—(1) Provision corresponding to that made by Schedule 1, paragraphs 29(1)(a) and (b), 29(3), 29(4), 29(6) and 29(7) applies for the purposes of the UK transit procedure, with the following modifications—

(a)in paragraph 29(1)(a) disregard what is said about other customs authorities,

(b)in paragraph 29(3) disregard what is said about customs authorities other than HMRC, or about the operator of a fixed transport installation,

(c)in paragraph 29(4) disregard what is said about the obligation of the holder being met and the cases in sub-paragraphs (5) and (6),

(d)in paragraph 29(7) disregard what is said about a customs office of destination outside the United Kingdom.

(2) Provision corresponding to that made by Schedule 1, paragraphs 30(1) to (5), and 32, applies for the purposes of the UK transit procedure, with the following modifications—

(a)in paragraphs 30(1) and 30(2) disregard what is said about a customs authority other than HMRC,

(b)in paragraph 30(3) disregard what is said about HMRC having to notify the arrival and to amend their records.

(3) Provision corresponding to that made by Schedule 1, paragraphs 31(1), 31(4) and 31(5) applies for the purposes of the UK transit procedure, but disregard what is said in paragraph 31(4) about—

(a)the holder being deemed to fulfil the applicable obligations, and

(b)a person similarly authorised by a customs authority in another common transit state.

(4) Provision corresponding to that made by Schedule 1, paragraph 34(2) applies for the purposes of the UK transit procedure.

(5) Provision corresponding to that made by Schedule 1, paragraph 35(1)(b) to (d), and 35(2), applies for the purposes of the UK transit procedure, with the following modifications—

(a)in paragraph 35(1)(b) regard the customs authority as any other than HMRC,

(b)in paragraphs 35(1)(c) and (d) regard a “third country” as any country except the United Kingdom.