PART 1General
Citation and commencement1.
These Regulations may be cited as the Advanced Quality Partnership Schemes (England) Regulations 2018.
These Regulations come into force on 8th February 2018.
In these Regulations—
“the 2000 Act” means the Transport Act 2000;
“admissible objection” has the meaning given in regulation 8;
“lead authority” means—
the authority which has made, or is proposing to make, a scheme; or
“objector” means an operator who has made an objection in accordance with regulation 9;
“relevant operator” has the meaning given in regulations 6 and 7;
Appropriate rate of return3.
Where a person is required to consider whether an operator could be expected to secure an appropriate rate of return for operating services of a particular standard specified in any proposed or existing scheme, that person must have regard to the typical rates of return for operating local services of a comparable nature elsewhere in England.
Identification of lead authority4.
This regulation applies to any scheme containing a standard of services which includes requirements as to—
the frequency or timing of services,
the maximum fares that may be charged for particular journeys, or for journeys of particular descriptions,
the ways in which passengers may pay for journeys, or
the vehicles being used to provide the services,
which is made, or is proposed to be made, by two or more authorities acting jointly.
Where this regulation applies—
the authorities referred to in paragraph (1) must specify in the notice of the proposed scheme given under section 113G(1) of the 2000 Act which of them is to act as the lead authority for the purposes of these Regulations; and
the lead authority must, before acting in accordance with any of the duties and responsibilities assigned by virtue of these Regulations—
consult and seek representations from, and
wherever appropriate, act in accordance with the representations of,
the other authority or other authorities with whom the scheme is made, or is proposed to be made, jointly with the lead authority.
Services to be excluded from the application of section 113E(7) and (8) of the 2000 Act5.
This regulation applies where a local service is provided in accordance with a service subsidy agreement, or series of such agreements taken together, and that agreement or series of agreements has the effect described in paragraph (2).
The effect is that by virtue of a requirement of the agreement or series of agreements, an operator provides services which meet one or more relevant requirements.
For the purposes of this regulation—
a “relevant requirement” means a requirement specified in a scheme, or proposed scheme as to—
the standard of services to be provided in relation to the frequency or timing of services,
the maximum fares that may be charged for particular journeys, or for journeys of particular descriptions,
the ways in which passengers may pay for journeys, or
the vehicles being used to provide the services.