
PART 2Land and other exposure situations

Measures to be taken in relation to exposures from land

4.—(1) This regulation applies where—

(a)land is contaminated as a result of the after-effects of an emergency, past practice or past work activity; and

(b)the level of exposure of members of the public to ionising radiation cannot be disregarded from a radiation protection point of view.

(2) But this regulation does not apply while any part of an emergency plan is in effect in relation to the land in accordance with either of the following provisions—

(a)paragraph (2) of regulation 13 (implementation of emergency plans) of the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations 2001(1);

(b)paragraph (2) of regulation 13 (implementation of emergency plans) of the Radiation (Emergency Preparedness and Public Information) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2001(2).

(3) The appropriate minister must set a reference level for the land, taking into account—

(a)principles of radiological protection and societal criteria; and

(b)the range of reference levels set out in Annex I to the Basic Safety Standards Directive.

(4) Before the resumption of habitation, or economic or social activities, on the land, the appropriate minister must ensure that appropriate arrangements are established for the on-going control of exposure of members of the public to ionising radiation, with the aim of establishing living conditions that can be considered as normal, including—

(a)the establishment of an infrastructure to support continuing self-help protective measures in the affected area, which may include the provision of information, advice and monitoring;

(b)remediation measures; and

(c)the delineation of the area.

(5) In this regulation, “reference level” means the level of effective dose or equivalent dose above which optimisation of radiation protection for members of the public must be prioritised.


S.I. 2001/2975. There are amendments to regulation 13 not relevant to these Regulations.