SCHEDULE 3Specific conditions: selling animals as pets

Prospective sales: pet care and advice

3.—(1) The licence holder and all staff must ensure that any equipment and accessories being sold with an animal are suitable for the animal.

(2) The licence holder and all staff must ensure that the prospective owner is provided with information on the appropriate care of the animal including in relation to—





(e)the life expectancy of its species,

(f)the provision of suitable accessories, and

(g)veterinary care.

(3) Appropriate reference materials on the care of all animals for sale must be on display and provided to the prospective owner.

(4) The licence holder and all staff must have been suitably trained to advise prospective owners about the animals being sold.

(5) The licence holder and all staff must ensure that the purchaser is informed of the country of origin of the animal and the species, and where known, the age, sex and veterinary record of the animal being sold.