The Silvertown Tunnel Order 2018

Unacceptable behaviour

4.  A person must not—

(a)climb upon, remove or damage (whether deliberately or negligently) any tunnel infrastructure or tunnel equipment;

(b)remove, move or otherwise interfere with the tunnels or any machinery, apparatus, tools or other things in use or intended for use in connection with the tunnels;

(c)post a bill, placard or notice on any tunnel infrastructure or tunnel equipment;

(d)write, print, draw or paint on or cut, mark or stamp any tunnel infrastructure or tunnel equipment;

(e)fix anything to any tunnel equipment or tunnel infrastructure;

(f)spit, urinate or defecate in the tunnels areas;

(g)leave litter or waste in the tunnels areas;

(h)move, alter, deface or otherwise interfere with any notice belonging to TfL which is exhibited or placed in the tunnels areas; or

(i)without prejudice to any other requirement of these byelaws, act in any way as to cause a nuisance in the tunnels areas.