Dangerous goodsE+W+S

8.—(1) A person must not, except with the consent of TfL, take or cause or permit to be taken into the tunnels areas a motor vehicle carrying dangerous goods and must at all times when in the tunnels areas comply with the conditions imposed by paragraph (2) below.

(2) The consent of TfL, if granted, is subject to the following conditions—

(a)no person may drive into the tunnels any motor vehicle to which paragraph (1) applies except with such escort as may be directed or required by an authorised person and the driver of every such motor vehicle must take and comply with such directions or precautionary measures as an authorised person considers expedient in the circumstances; and

(b)a driver of a motor vehicle to which paragraph (1) applies must be accompanied by a person legally entitled to drive the motor vehicle who will be capable of stopping the motor vehicle in the event of sudden illness or incapacity overtaking the driver while in the tunnels.

(3) The driver of a motor vehicle to which paragraph (1) applies must stop on arriving at any marshalling area and must not proceed further into the tunnels without the consent of, or as directed by, an authorised person.

(4) The consent of TfL under this byelaw may be granted generally or specifically, including in respect of any category or description of dangerous goods.

(5) TfL must provide and maintain on its website a mechanism for potential tunnel users to obtain the consent required under paragraph (1) above or granted under paragraph (4).

(6) A driver of a motor vehicle in the tunnels areas must not prevent an authorised person from inspecting the motor vehicle for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the requirements which apply at any time in respect of the carriage of dangerous goods.