PART 7Assignment stage

CHAPTER 42.3 GHz frequency assignments determined by bidding

Bidding for numbered 2.3 GHz lots in the assignment stage

72.—(1) A 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid shall be a bid for one or more licences that authorise the use of frequencies corresponding to the particular numbered 2.3 GHz lots comprised in a block of numbered 2.3 GHz lots.

(2) OFCOM shall determine which blocks of numbered 2.3 GHz lots a bidder may bid for, and notify that bidder of its determination.

(3) The list of possible blocks of numbered 2.3 GHz lots provided to each bidder may be different for each bidder.

(4) The list shall be known as the “2.3 GHz assignment stage option list” and each block of 2.3 GHz lots in that list shall be known as a “2.3 GHz assignment stage option”.

Preparing a 2.3 GHz assignment stage option list for each bidder

73.—(1) OFCOM shall determine which 2.3 GHz assignment stage options shall be included in the 2.3 GHz assignment stage option list for each bidder which is eligible to bid in accordance with regulation 70.

(2) A bidder’s 2.3 GHz assignment stage options shall be each of those blocks of numbered 2.3 GHz lots which satisfy the following conditions—

(a)the number of 2.3 GHz lots contained in the block is equal to the number of that bidder’s winning principal stage bids for 2.3 GHz lots; and

(b)if that bidder were assigned the 2.3 GHz lots contained in the block the following conditions would be satisfied—

(i)each other bidder could be assigned 2.3 GHz lots contained in a block that, in respect of that other bidder’s winning principal stage bids for 2.3 GHz lots, satisfies the condition in sub-paragraph (a); and

(ii)the 2.3 GHz lots not assigned to that bidder or any other bidder would form a single block of numbered 2.3 GHz lots.

2.3 GHz assignment stage bids

74.—(1) In order to bid for a 2.3 GHz assignment stage option, a bidder must, on the assignment stage form, specify an amount in whole thousands of pounds that it is willing to pay, in addition to the total 2.3 GHz base price A and the total 2.3 GHz base price B for that bidder’s winning principal stage bids for 2.3 GHz lots, for one or more licences that authorise the use of the frequencies corresponding to the block of numbered 2.3 GHz lots that is the 2.3 GHz assignment stage option.

(2) A bidder may make no more than one 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid for each 2.3 GHz assignment stage option.

(3) A bidder is not required to make a 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid.

(4) A 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid is a valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid if—

(a)the bid is specified on a valid assignment stage form; and

(b)the bidder has paid the full sum of the required assignment stage deposit by the deadline specified by OFCOM.

(5) Where a bidder does not make a valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid for a 2.3 GHz assignment stage option that bidder will be deemed to have made a valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid with a value of zero pounds for that 2.3 GHz assignment stage option.

Determination of the winning 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids

75.—(1) OFCOM shall determine the winning 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids in accordance with this regulation after the deadline for paying the required assignment stage deposit under regulation 89.

(2) The winning 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids shall be those valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids that comprise the winning combination of valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids.

(3) The winning combination of valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids shall be the valid combination of 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids having the highest total value of amounts bid.

(4) A combination of valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids is a valid combination of 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids if—

(a)within that combination there is one valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid from each winning bidder for 2.3 GHz lots;

(b)each of those valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids is for a 2.3 GHz assignment stage option as determined by OFCOM for the bidder;

(c)no numbered 2.3 GHz lot is included in more than one of the 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids included in the combination of valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids; and

(d)the numbered 2.3 GHz lots not included in that combination of valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids, taken together, form a single block of numbered 2.3 GHz lots.

(5) Where there is more than one valid combination of 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids for which the total value is equal highest, OFCOM shall employ a method of random selection from amongst those valid combinations of 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids for which the value is equal highest to determine the winning combination of valid 2.3 GHz assignment stage bids.

Determination of 2.3 GHz additional prices

76.  In respect of each winning 2.3 GHz assignment stage bid, OFCOM shall determine an amount in whole pounds (“2.3 GHz additional price”) which shall be payable by the relevant winning bidder in accordance with Schedule 5.