The Customs (Export) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introductory provisions

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.General interpretative provisions

    3. 3.Persons established in the United Kingdom

    4. 4.Notices and notifications

  3. PART 2 Goods exported in accordance with applicable export provisions procedure

    1. 5.Procedure for purposes of applicable export provisions

    2. 6.Goods declared for a “common export procedure”

    3. 7.Export of goods deemed to be made in accordance with procedure for purposes of applicable export provisions

  4. PART 3 Goods exempt from applicable export provisions

    1. 8.Goods not required to be exported in accordance with the applicable export provisions

  5. PART 4 Export declarations etc

    1. CHAPTER 1 Preliminary

      1. 9.Interpretation of Part

    2. CHAPTER 2 Obligation to make export declaration

      1. 10.Requirement to make export declaration before goods exported

      2. 11.Export declarations to be made after goods exported

    3. CHAPTER 3 Eligibility of persons to make export declarations

      1. 12.Eligibility of persons to make export declarations

      2. 13.Exceptions to the UK establishment requirement

    4. CHAPTER 4 Form of export declarations and how they are made

      1. SECTION 1 General rule

        1. 14.Export declarations made electronically

      2. SECTION 2 Export declarations made orally

        1. 15.General provisions applying to export declarations made orally

        2. 16.Goods excluded from export declarations made orally

        3. 17.Export declarations made orally by an individual

        4. 17A.Export declarations that may be made orally or electronically

        5. 18.Export declarations made orally: certain goods subject to temporary admission procedure

      3. SECTION 3 Export declarations made by conduct

        1. 19.General provisions applying to export declarations made by conduct

        2. 20.Goods excluded from export declarations made by conduct

        3. 21.Export declarations by conduct: certain goods with pedestrians

        4. 21A.Export declarations that may be made by conduct or electronically

        5. 22.Export declarations by conduct: certain goods in vehicles

        6. 23.Export declarations by conduct: posted goods

        7. 23A.Export Declarations by Conduct: Human Organs etc. needed for transplant

        8. 24.Export declarations by conduct: certain goods subject to temporary admission procedure

        9. 24A.Export declarations by conduct: pleasure craft

        10. 24B.Export declarations by conduct: private aircraft

        11. 24C.Export declarations by conduct: NATO forces

        12. 24D.UK Continental Shelf simplified export procedure

      4. SECTION 4 Export declarations made in paper form

        1. 25.Export declarations made in paper form: qualifying departing travellers

        2. 26.Export declarations made in paper form...

        3. 27.Export declarations made in paper form: further provision

      5. SECTION 5 Export declarations: consequential provision

        1. 28.Export declarations made orally: consequential provision

        2. 29.Export declarations by conduct: consequential provision

        3. 29A.Export declarations: miscellaneous consequential provisions

        4. 29B.Further deemed notification of export

        5. 29C.Goods not requiring examination

    5. CHAPTER 5 Contents of export declarations

      1. 30.Export declarations: content

    6. CHAPTER 6 Simplifications to export declarations etc

      1. SECTION 1 Simplified export declaration process

        1. 31.The meaning of simplified export declaration process

        2. 32.Persons authorised to use the simplified export declaration process

        3. 33.Simplified export declaration and supplementary export declaration

        4. 34.Exception from requirement to make a supplementary export declaration

        5. 35.Supplementary export declaration: extension to make available documents for inspection

      2. SECTION 2 Simplified export declarations made using the EIDR export process

        1. 36.EIDR export process

        2. 37.Authorisations to use the EIDR export process

        3. 38.HMRC access to the EIDR electronic system etc

        4. 38A.Fixed transport installations

    7. CHAPTER 7 Export declarations for consignments of different types of goods

      1. 39.Export declarations for different types of goods in a consignment

    8. CHAPTER 8 Obligation to make goods available for examination

      1. 40.Obligation to make goods available for examination

    9. CHAPTER 9 Control of goods

      1. 41.Control of goods where export declaration is made

    10. CHAPTER 10 Acceptance of export declarations etc

      1. 42.Acceptance of export declarations

      2. 43.Notification of acceptance of export declarations

      3. 44.Export declarations regarded as complete

    11. CHAPTER 11 Verification of export declarations etc

      1. 45.Verification of export declarations

      2. 46.Inaccuracies in export declarations

    12. CHAPTER 12 Amendment or withdrawal of export declarations

      1. 47.Amendment or withdrawal of export declarations

      2. 48.Export declarations treated as withdrawn

    13. CHAPTER 13 Release to a common export procedure

      1. 49.Releasing goods to a common export procedure

    14. CHAPTER 14 Discharge from a common export procedure

      1. 50.Discharging goods from a common export procedure

  6. PART 5 Presentation of goods on export

    1. 51.Notification of export

  7. PART 6 Goods exported from RoRo listed locations or specified export locations

    1. 52.Interpretation of Part

    2. 53.RoRo listed locations for export and specified export locations

    3. 54.Specified export locations and RoRo listed locations: modifications in relation to export declarations

    4. 54AA.Control of goods carried to and from RoRo listed locations or specified export locations

    5. 54AB.Export declarations: extension of modifications for RoRo listed locations to other locations

  8. Part 6A Unaccompanied goods

    1. 54A.Unaccompanied goods

    2. 54B.Unaccompanied goods: modifications in relation to export declarations

  9. PART 7 Customs agents

    1. 55.Application of sections 21 and 37(8) of the Act

    2. 56.Residence or establishment in the United Kingdom

    3. 57.Disclosure of an appointment

    4. 58.Disclosure of withdrawal of appointment

  10. PART 8 Approvals and authorisations and authorised economic operators

    1. 59.Application of Part 9 of CIDEER 2018

  11. PART 8A Onward export

    1. 59A.Interpretation of Part

    2. 59B.Onward export notifications

    3. 59C.Amendment and withdrawal of onward export notifications

    4. 59D.Onward export notifications treated as withdrawn

    5. 59E.Onward export of goods

  12. PART 9 Declarations for the outward processing procedure

    1. 60.Amendments of CSPOP 2018

  13. PART 10 Amendments of CIDEER 2018

    1. 61.Amendment to regulation 102 (retention of domestic status) of CIDEER 2018

    2. 62.Amendment to Part 14 (fees) of CIDEER 2018

  14. PART 11 Transitional and savings provisions

    1. CHAPTER 1 Preliminary

      1. 63.Interpretation of Part

    2. CHAPTER 2 Continued effect and cessation of effect of the EUCL, evidence and verification

      1. 64.Continued effect and cessation of effect of the EUCL

      2. 65.Evidence required by notice

      3. 66.Verification

    3. CHAPTER 3 Export procedure and re-export

      1. 67.Union goods declared to the export procedure; re-export declaration lodged in respect of Non-Union goods

      2. 68.Cessation of the EUCL

    4. CHAPTER 4 Cessation of effect of the EUCL

      1. 69.Cessation of effect of the EUCL

    5. CHAPTER 5 Union goods moving out of the United Kingdom

      1. 70.Union goods moving out of the United Kingdom

      2. 71.Continued effect of the EUCL

    6. CHAPTER 6 Customs agents

      1. 72.Declarations made by customs representatives before exit day

  15. Signature

  16. Explanatory Note