Regulation 3


Regulations 2(1) and 17

1. Provision of retained EU law

2. Subject matter

Article 3 of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators ensure that all stages of production, processing and distribution of food under their control satisfy the relevant hygiene requirements laid down in Regulation 852/2004.

Article 4(1) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators carrying out primary production and specified associated operations comply with the general hygiene provisions laid down in Part A of Annex I to Regulation 852/2004 and any specific requirements provided for in Regulation 853/2004.

Article 4(2) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators carrying out any stage of production, processing and distribution of food after those stages to which Article 4(1) applies comply with the general hygiene requirements laid down in Annex II to Regulation 852/2004 and any specific requirements provided for in Regulation 853/2004 and Regulation 579/2014.

Article 4(3) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators, as appropriate, adopt certain specific hygiene measures.

Article 5(1) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators put in place, implement and maintain a permanent procedure or procedures based on the HACCP principles.

Article 5(2) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that when any modification is made in the product, process, or any step, food business operators review the procedure referred to in Article 5(1) and make the necessary changes to it.

Article 5(4)(a) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators provide the competent authority with evidence of their compliance with Article 5(1).

Article 5(4)(b) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators ensure that any documents describing the procedures developed in accordance with Article 5 are up to date.

Article 5(4)(c) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators retain documents and records for an appropriate period.

Article 6(1) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators co-operate with the competent authorities in accordance with United Kingdom law.

Article 6(2), first paragraph, of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that a food business operator notify the competent authority of each establishment under its control that carries out any of the stages of production, processing and distribution of food.

Article 6(2), second paragraph, of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators ensure that the competent authority has up to date information on establishments.

Article 6(3) of Regulation 852/2004

Requirement that food business operators ensure that establishments are approved by the competent authority when approval is required.

Article 3(1) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators comply with the relevant provisions of Annexes II and III to Regulation 853/2004.

Article 3(2) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators do not use any substance other than potable water or, when Regulation 852/2004 or Regulation 853/2004 permits its use, clean water, to remove surface contamination from products of animal origin unless use of the substance has been approved.

Article 4(1) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators place products of animal origin on the market only if they have been prepared and handled exclusively in establishments—

(a) that meet the relevant requirements of Regulation 852/2004, those of Annexes II and III of Regulation 853/2004 and other relevant requirements of food law; and

(b) that the competent authority has registered or, where required in accordance with Article 4(2), approved.

Article 4(2) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that establishments handling those products of animal origin for which Annex III to Regulation 853/2004 lays down requirements do not operate unless the competent authority has approved them in accordance with Article 4(3).

Article 4(3) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that establishments subject to approval in accordance with Article 4(2) do not operate unless the competent authority has, in accordance with Regulation 854/2004—

(a) granted the establishment approval to operate following an on-site visit; or

(b) provided the establishment with conditional approval.

Article 4(4) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators co-operate with the competent authorities in accordance with Regulation 854/2004 including ensuring that an establishment ceases to operate if it is no longer approved.

Article 5(1) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators do not place on the market a product of animal origin handled in an establishment subject to approval in accordance with Article 4(2) unless it has—

(a) a health mark applied in accordance with Regulation 854/2004; or

(b) when Regulation 854/2004 does not provide for the application of a health mark, an identification mark applied in accordance with Section 1 of Annex II to Regulation 853/2004.

Article 5(2) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators apply an identification mark to a product of animal origin only if the product has been manufactured in accordance with Regulation 853/2004 in establishments meeting the requirements of Article 4.

Article 5(3) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators do not remove a health mark applied in accordance with Regulation 854/2004 from meat unless they cut or process it or work upon it in another manner.

Article 6(1) and (2) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators ensure that importation of products of animal origin only takes place where certain conditions are met.

Article 6(3) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators importing products of animal origin shall ensure that—

(a) products are made available for control upon importation in accordance with Council Directive 97/78/EC;

(b) importation complies with the requirements of Council Directive 2002/99/EC; and

(c) operations under their control that take place after importation are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Annex III to Regulation 853/2004.

Article 6(4) of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators importing food containing both products of plant origin and processed products of animal origin ensure that the processed products of animal origin satisfy the requirements of paragraphs (1) to (3) of Article 6.

Article 7 of Regulation 853/2004

Requirement that food business operators ensure that certificates or other documents accompany consignments of products of animal origin when required in accordance with Annex II or III to Regulation 853/2004.

Article 7(1) of Regulation 2073/2005

Requirement that food business operators take the measures laid down in paragraphs (2) to (4) of Article 7 when the results of testing against the criteria set out in Annex I to Regulation 2073/2005 (microbiological criteria for foodstuffs) are unsatisfactory.

Article 9 of Regulation 2015/1375

Requirement that food business operators of holdings officially recognised as applying controlled housing conditions must inform the competent authority of any requirement of Annex IV to Regulation 2015/1375 that is no longer fulfilled or of any other change that might affect the holdings’ Trichinella status.


Regulation 8

SCHEDULE 1Specified Provisions of Regulation 767/2009

Regulation 12

Table 1

Specified provision

Subject matter

Article 4(1) and (2), as read with Article 4(3) and Annex I

General safety and other requirements to be met when feed is placed on the market or used.

Article 5(1)

Extension of requirements in relation to feed for food-producing animals in other legislation to apply to feed for non food-producing animals.

Article 5(2), as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3)

Obligation on person responsible for labelling to make information available to competent authority.

Article 6(1), as read with Annex III

Prohibition or restriction on the marketing or use of certain materials for animal nutritional purposes

Article 8

Controls on the levels of additives in feeds.

Article 9

Controls on the marketing of feeds for particular nutritional purposes.

Article 11, as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3), Annexes II and IV and the Catalogue of feed materials

Rules and principles governing the labelling and presentation of feed.

Article 12(4) and (5)

Designation of the person responsible for labelling and the obligations and responsibilities of that person.

Article 13(1), as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3)

General conditions on making a claim about the characteristics or functions of a feed on the labelling or presentation of it.

Article 13(2) and (3), as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3)

Special conditions applying to claims concerning optimisation of the nutrition and support or protection of the physiological conditions.

Article 14(1) and (2), as read with Article 12(1),(2) and (3)

Requirements for the presentation of the mandatory labelling particulars.

Article 15, as read with Articles 12(1), (2) and (3) and 21 and with Annex VI and VII

General mandatory labelling requirements for feed materials and compound feeds.

Article 16, as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3) and 21 and with Annex II and V and the Catalogue of feed materials

Specific labelling requirements for feed materials

Article 17(1) and (2) as read with Articles 12(1),(2) and (3) and 21 and with Annex II, VI & VII

Specific labelling requirements for compound feeds.

Article 18, as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3)

Additional labelling requirements for feed for particular nutritional purposes (dietetic feeds).

Article 19, as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3)

Additional labelling requirements for pet food.

Article 20(1) as read with Article 12(1), (2) and (3) and with Annex VIII

Additional requirements for labelling of non-compliant feed, such as that containing contaminated materials.

Article 23

Requirements relating to the packaging and sealing of feed materials and compound feeds for placing on the market.

Article 24(2)

Requirement that if the name of a feed material listed in the Catalogue of feed materials is used, all relevant provisions of the Catalogue must be complied with.

Article 24(3)

Obligation on a person who first places on the market a feed material not listed in the Catalogue of feed materials to notify its use.