Regulation 3
The location and general design of the bridge are shown on the plans numbered SLR4-COW-CBR-SUP-DR-CB-718000-5 and SLR4-COW-CBR-SUP-DR-CB-718005-5 sealed with the Common Seal of the Council and attached hereto.
The bridge is directly adjacent to the existing Carrington Bridge on the A4440 Temeside Way.
The bridge commences 50 metres to the west of the Ketch Roundabout and terminates 205 metres to the west, towards Powick.
The bridge has a total span of 205m, comprising three spans of 69 metres, 72 metres and 64 metres, measured from east to west.
Over the river the bridge will provide an air draft of not less than 10 metres above the typical (non-flood) water level of 8.00 metres AOD.
A minimum clear navigable waterway of no less than 35 metres width to be maintained.
The bridge width varies from a minimum of approximately 13.5 metres at the western end to a maximum of approximately 18 metres at the eastern end. As shown on Section A-A (drawing SLR4-COW-CBR-SUP-DR-CB-781005-5), this width is made up of the following items (listed from north to south):
A 0.5 metre edge beam supporting a vehicular parapet
A 0.6 metre raised verge;
A 1 metre hard strip;
A 7.3 metre carriageway comprising two traffic lanes;
A filter lane of varying width (at the eastern end of the bridge this lane is approximately 4.5 metres wide, linearly tapering to zero metres wide at the western end of the bridge);
A 1 metre hard strip;
A 2.5 metre raised verge; and
A 0.5 metre edge beam supporting a vehicular parapet.
The average width of the bridge over the river is approximately 17 metres.