Retained apparatus: Protection: Protected PersonsE+W+S
62.—(1) Not less than 56 days before the commencement of any authorised development authorised by this Order that involves activities or works that are within 24 metres of any apparatus the undertaker must submit to the protected person in question a plan. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no requirement for any plan submitted by the undertaker under this sub-paragraph to be approved by the protected person.
(2) In relation to works which will or may be situated on, over, under or within 15 metres measured in any direction of any apparatus, or (wherever situated) impose any load directly upon any apparatus or involve embankment works within 15 metres of any apparatus, the plan to be submitted to the protected person under sub-paragraph (1) shall be detailed including a method statement and describing—
(a)the exact position of the works;
(b)the level at which these are proposed to be constructed or renewed;
(c)the manner of their construction or renewal including details of excavation, positioning of plant etc.;
(d)the position of all apparatus;
(e)by way of detailed drawings, every alteration proposed to be made to or close to any such apparatus; and
(f)intended maintenance regimes.
(3) The undertaker must not commence any works to which sub-paragraph (2) applies until the protected person has given written approval of the plan so submitted.
(4) Any approval of the protected person required under sub-paragraph (3)—
(a)may be given subject to reasonable conditions for any purpose mentioned in sub-paragraph (5) or (7);
(b)must not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
(5) In relation to a work to which sub-paragraphs (1) and (2) apply, the protected person may require such modifications to be made to the plans as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose of securing its system against interference or risk of damage or for the purpose of providing or securing proper and convenient means of access to any apparatus.
(6) Works executed under this Order must be executed only in accordance with the plan, submitted under sub-paragraph (1), as amended from time to time by agreement between the undertaker and the protected person and in accordance with such reasonable requirements as may be made in accordance with sub-paragraph (5) or (7) by the protected person for the protection of the apparatus, for securing access to the apparatus, and the protected person shall be entitled to watch and inspect the execution of this works. In the event of unforeseen circumstances occurring during the execution of the works, the undertaker and protected person must work together, acting reasonably, to resolve the issue in the interests of the protection of both parties’ assets.
(7) Where protected persons require any protective works to be carried out either themselves or by the undertaker (whether of a temporary or permanent nature) such protective works must be carried out to the protected persons’ satisfaction prior to the commencement of any authorised development (or any relevant part thereof) to which sub-paragraph (1) applies and the protected person will give 56 days’ notice of such works from the date of submission of a plan in line with sub-paragraph (1) (except in an emergency).
(8) Nothing in this paragraph will preclude the undertaker from submitting at any time or from time to time, but in no case less than 56 days before commencing the execution of any works comprising the authorised development (and to which sub-paragraph (1) applies), a new plan, instead of the plan previously submitted, and having done so the provisions of this paragraph will apply to and in respect of the new plan.
(9) The undertaker will not be required to comply with sub-paragraph (1) where it needs to carry out emergency works as defined in the 1991 Act but in that case it shall give to the protected person in question notice as soon as is reasonably practicable and a plan of those works and shall—
(a)comply with sub-paragraphs (5), (6) and (7) insofar as is reasonably practicable in the circumstances; and
(b)comply with sub-paragraph (10) at all times.
(10) At all times when carrying out any works authorised under the Order comply with Wales & West Utilities Limited’s policies for safe working in proximity to gas apparatus “Specification for safe working in the vicinity of pipelines and associated installation operating above 2 BAR’s” and HSE’s “HSG47 Avoiding Danger from underground services” or any other safe working policies issued by Wales & West Utilities Limited’s Plant Protection department prior to the date of any relevant approval given by the protected person pursuant to sub-paragraph (3).