Article 3
In the City and County of Swansea—
A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14(1)(a) and 15 of the 2008 Act, consisting of a generating station with a gross rated electrical output of up to 299 Megawatts comprising all or any of the work numbers in this schedule or any part of any work number in this schedule—
Work No. 1A development comprising—
(a)1 gas turbine generator,
(b)1 exhaust gas emission flue stack, and
(c)external fin fan cooler(s);
Work No. 1B development comprising—
(a)a control room/office/workshop,
(b)telemetry apparatus and cabling,
(c)above ground raw water and fire water storage tanks and associated infrastructure,
(d)fire–fighting equipment, buildings and distribution pipework,
(e)a demineralised water storage tank,
(f)an emergency generator including fuel storage tank,
(g)attenuation pond(s) and connection to drain system,
(h)chemical storage facilities, other minor infrastructure and auxiliaries/services,
(i)pipework, pipe runs and pipe racks, and
(j)cathodic protection test/transformer rectifier unit;
Work No. 1C development comprising—
(a)an on–site natural gas receiving station and gas treatment compound containing—
(i)a pipeline inspection gauge (PIG) receiving facility,
(ii)isolation valves, metering, heating, filtering, compression, pressure regulation equipment,
(iii)electricity supply kiosks,
(iv)emergency generator including fuel storage tank,
(v)Joule–Thomson boiler(s), and
(vi)control and instrumentation kiosks; and
(b)gas pipelines and telemetry cabling and cathodic protection test/ transformer rectifier unit;
Work No. 1D development comprising a transformer compound including generator step up transformer, unit transformers, bus bar connections and other plant and structures required to manage the transmission of electricity;
Work No. 1E development comprising—
(a)security infrastructure, including cameras, perimeter fencing and a gatehouse,
(b)site lighting infrastructure, including perimeter lighting columns,
(c)internal roadways, car parking, pedestrian network, cycle parking, hardstanding and water treatment trailers,
(d)a maintenance compound including hardstanding and welfare and administration facilities,
(e)site drainage and waste management infrastructure, including relocation of existing site drainage as required,
(f)electricity, water, wastewater and telecommunications and other services including high voltage and low voltage cabling, equipment and controls and associated telemetry and electrical protection auxiliary cabling,
(g)landscaping including tree planting, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments and ecological mitigation, and
(h)other ancillary equipment;
Work No. 1F development comprising hardstanding area for maintenance laydown and welfare and administration facilities;
Work No. 2 development comprising a new permanent means of access from the B4489 to numbered work 1 including structure over water main and decommissioned oil pipeline, permanent road surface and kerb stones, safety barrier(s), signing and road markings, drainage works (including culverts), tree, hedge and fence removal and installation of new signing, gates and fencing, telecommunications connections and other services, temporary car parking and temporary construction compound and other incidental works;
Work No. 3 development comprising a temporary construction laydown area including areas of hardstanding and site and welfare offices and workshop, and infrastructure to enable plant and vehicle crossings of existing underground utilities;
Work No. 4 development comprising landscaping and ecological mitigation area including tree planting and ecological enhancement and boundary fencing;
Work No. 5A development comprising earthworks and ground raising in connection with Work No. 1;
Work No. 5B development comprising earthworks in connection with Work No. 2;
and such other buildings, structures, works or operations as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of the works in this Schedule 1 but only within the Order limits and insofar as they will not give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.