The Drax Power (Generating Stations) Order 2019

Article 2


Commencement Information

I1Sch. 1 in force at 25.10.2019, see art. 1


In the County of North Yorkshire and the District of Selby a nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14(1)(a) and 15 of the 2008 Act and associated development under section 115(1)(b) of the 2008 Act all as set out in this Schedule.


The nationally significant infrastructure project comprises up to four generating stations with a combined gross electrical output capacity of up to 3,800 megawatts comprising all or any of the work numbers in this Schedule or any part of any work number in this Schedule—


Work No. 1 – an electricity generating station (Unit X) fuelled by natural gas and with a gross electrical output capacity of up to 1,800 megawatts including—

(a)Work No. 1A – a gas generating unit comprising—

(i)up to two gas turbines able to operate in both combined cycle and open cycle modes;

(ii)one turbine hall building for the gas turbines within this Work;

(iii)up to two heat recovery steam generators;

(iv)up to two heat recovery steam generator buildings and up to two exhaust gas emission flue stacks for the heat recovery steam generators within this Work;

(v)up to two bypass stacks;


(vii)gas turbine air inlet filter house;

(viii)power control centre;

(ix)feed water pump house building;

(x)water supply and pipelines;

(xi)water storage tanks and pipelines;

(xii)emergency diesel generator and diesel fuel tank for safe shut-down of the plant;

(xiii)switch gear and ancillary equipment;

(xiv)up to two turbine outage store buildings;

(xv)400 kilovolt electrical underground cables and telemetry and electrical protection auxiliary cabling connecting to Work No. 4A; and

(xvi)a new main fuel gas station comprising up to two individual fuel gas stations comprising for each—

(aa)a gas receiving area;

(bb)gas treatment and control facilities including filters, preheating and liquid collection tanks; and

(cc)other auxiliary control cabinets.

(b)Work No. 1B

(i)a new main pipe rack carrying main steam and condensate, and auxiliary cabling and pipework between the heat recovery steam generators and the existing steam turbine;

(ii)piling for foundations to accommodate the pipe rack including in connection with the pipe rack comprising part of Work No. 2B; and

(iii)modifications to the existing steam turbine, generating plant and turbine hall building.

(c)Work No. 1C – a new underground gas pipeline across New Road connecting Work No. 1A to Work No. 5.

(d)Work No. 1D – in connection with and in addition to Work Nos. 1A, 1B and 1C—

(i)works connecting Work Nos. 1A, 1B and 1C to existing equipment and utilities;

(ii)ground raising and ground preparation works;

(iii)site lighting infrastructure, including perimeter lighting columns;

(iv)internal roadways, car parking, pedestrian network, cycle parking and hardstanding;

(v)site drainage and waste management infrastructure, including relocation of existing infrastructure as required;

(vi)electricity (including a 132 kilovolt electricity cable across New Road connecting Work No. 1A to Work No.5), water, wastewater and telecommunications and other services; and

(vii)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.


Work No. 2 – an electricity generating station (Unit Y) fuelled by natural gas and with a gross electrical output capacity of up to 1,800 megawatts including—

(a)Work No. 2A – a gas generating unit comprising—

(i)up to two gas turbines able to operate in both combined cycle and open cycle modes;

(ii)one turbine hall building for the gas turbines within this Work;

(iii)up to two heat recovery steam generators;

(iv)up to two heat recovery steam generator buildings and up to two exhaust gas emission flue stacks for the heat recovery steam generators within this Work;

(v)up to two bypass stacks;


(vii)gas turbine air inlet filter house;

(viii)power control centre;

(ix)feed water pump house building;

(x)water supply and pipelines;

(xi)water storage tanks and pipelines;

(xii)emergency diesel generator and diesel fuel tank for safe shut-down of the plant;

(xiii)switch gear and ancillary equipment;

(xiv)400 kilovolt electrical underground cables and telemetry and electrical protection auxiliary cabling connecting to Work No. 4B; and

(xv)a new main fuel gas station comprising up to two individual fuel gas stations comprising for each—

(aa)a gas receiving area;

(bb)gas treatment and control facilities including filters, preheating and liquid collection tanks; and

(cc)other auxiliary control cabinets.

(b)Work No. 2B

(i)a new main pipe rack and extension to the pipe rack in Work No. 1B carrying main steam and condensate, and auxiliary cabling and pipework, between the heat recovery steam generators and the existing steam turbine; and

(ii)modifications to the existing steam turbine, generating plant and turbine hall building.

(c)Work No. 2C – a new underground gas pipeline across New Road connecting Work No. 2A to Work No. 5 or infrastructure to connect the underground gas pipeline constructed in Work No. 1C to Work No. 2A and Work No. 5.

(d)Work No. 2D – in connection with and in addition to Work Nos. 2A, 2B and 2C—

(i)works connecting Work Nos. 2A, 2B and 2C to existing equipment and utilities;

(ii)ground raising and ground preparation works;

(iii)site lighting infrastructure, including perimeter lighting columns;

(iv)internal roadways, car parking, pedestrian network, cycle parking and hardstanding;

(v)site drainage and waste management infrastructure, including relocation of existing infrastructure as required;

(vi)electricity, water, wastewater and telecommunications and other services; and

(vii)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.


Work No. 3 – up to two battery storage facilities including—

(a)Work No. 3A – one battery storage facility (in connection with Unit X) comprising—

(i)battery energy storage cells with converters;

(ii)a structure protecting the battery energy storage cells;


(iv)switch gear and ancillary equipment;

(v)electrical underground cable connecting to Work No. 1A;

(vi)ground raising and ground preparation works;

(vii)a flood mitigation channel;

(viii)site lighting infrastructure, including lighting columns; and

(ix)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.

(b)Work No. 3B – one battery storage facility (in connection with Unit Y) comprising—

(i)battery energy storage cells with converters;

(ii)a structure protecting the battery energy storage cells or infrastructure to include the battery energy storage cells in the structures within Work No.3A(ii);


(iv)switch gear and ancillary equipment; and

(v)electrical underground cable connecting to Work No. 2A.


Work No. 4 – new gas insulated switchgear banking buildings including—

(a)Work No. 4A (in connection with Unit X)—

(i)a building containing gas insulated switchgear and other associated switch gear and ancillary equipment;

(ii)a building containing control equipment;

(iii)up to three sets of cable sealing ends; and

(iv)ground raising and ground preparation works.

(b)Work No. 4B (in connection with Unit Y)—

(i)a building or an extension to the building in Work No. 4A containing gas insulated switchgear and other switch gear and ancillary equipment;

(ii)up to three sets of cable sealing ends; and

(iii)ground raising and ground preparation works.


Work No. 5 – a natural gas receiving facility compound including—

(a)pipeline inspection gauge (PIG) trap receiving equipment;

(b)isolation valves, inline valves, metering, heat exchangers, filtering, pressure regulation equipment, pipework;

(c)electricity supply kiosks and associated cabling;

(d)emergency generator;

(e)electrical pre-heaters and electrical compressors housed in a building;

(f)up to two boiler houses with a total installed thermal input capacity [F1to the heat exchangers] of 7.2 megawatts and each [F1boiler house] with up to two stacks;

(g)control and instrumentation kiosks and associated wiring;

(h)creation of a permanent access from New Road including permanent road surface and kerb stones, signing and road markings works, drainage, car parking, fencing and other incidental works;

(i)security infrastructure, including cameras, lighting (including perimeter lighting columns), stock proof fencing and perimeter fencing;

(j)a new underground gas pipeline;

(k)external cooling system;

(l)ground raising and ground preparation works; and

(m)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.


Work No. 6 – above ground gas installation including—

(a)Work No. 6A—

(i)above ground installation (also referred to as a minimum offtake connection compound) containing a minimum offtake connection comprising remotely operable valves, control and instrumentation kiosks, pipework and electrical supply kiosks;

(ii)security infrastructure, including cameras, lighting (including perimeter lighting columns), stock proof fencing and perimeter fencing;

(iii)ground raising and ground preparation works;

(iv)site drainage including new outfall to Dickon Field Drain, new culvert and waste management infrastructure;

(v)electricity and telecommunications connections and other services;

(vi)underground gas pipeline connecting to Work No. 6B;

(vii)creation of a permanent access from Rusholme Lane including permanent road surface and kerb stones, signing and road markings works, car parking, drainage, fencing and other incidental works;

(viii)creation of a permanent access from the access in Work No.6A (vii) into the field to the south of Dickon Field Drain including permanent road surface and kerb stones, signing and road markings works, drainage, fencing and other incidental works;

(ix)creation of a culvert on Dickon Field Drain; and

(x)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.

(b)Work No. 6B—

(i)above ground installation containing a pipeline inspection gauge (PIG) facility, comprising a PIG launching facility, emergency control valves, isolation valves, control and instrumentation kiosks, pipework and electricity supply kiosks;

(ii)security infrastructure, including cameras, lighting (including perimeter lighting columns), car parking, stock proof fencing and perimeter fencing;

(iii)ground raising and ground preparation works;

(iv)site drainage and waste management infrastructure;

(v)electricity and telecommunications connections and other services;

(vi)below ground sacrificial anode pit; and

(vii)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.

(c)Work No. 6C – (in connection with Work No. 6A) temporary construction laydown area.

(d)Work No. 6D – (in connection with Work No. 6B) temporary construction laydown area and creation of up to two construction access routes from Rusholme Lane.


Work No. 7 – a gas pipeline including—

(a)Work No. 7A—

(i)an underground gas pipeline connection and telemetry cabling, 3km in length and up to 600 millimetres nominal diameter, connecting Work No. 5 to Work No. 6B;

(ii)pipeline field marker posts and cathodic protection test/transformer rectifier units;

(iii)below ground drainage works;

(iv)works required in order to protect existing utilities infrastructure;

(v)tree and hedge removal; and

(vi)hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.

(b)Work No. 7B – temporary construction laydown area for gas pipeline.


Work No. 8 – electrical connections including—

(a)Work No. 8A (in connection with Unit X) – up to 400 kilovolt underground electrical connection between Work No. 4A and the existing 400 kilovolt National Grid substation busbars—

(i)electrical underground cables and telemetry and electrical protection auxiliary cabling;

(ii)one set of cable sealing ends;

(iii)insulated switchgear and overhead busbars;

(iv)trenching works;

(v)site drainage;

(vi)security and site lighting infrastructure, including cameras, perimeter fencing and lighting columns; and

(vii)hard and soft landscaping including ecological mitigation.

(b)Work No. 8B (in connection with Unit Y) – up to 400 kilovolt underground electrical connection between Work No. 4B and the existing 400 kilovolt National Grid substation busbars of either—

(i)electrical underground cables and telemetry and electrical protection auxiliary cabling;

(ii)one set of cable sealing ends;

(iii)insulated switchgear and overhead busbars;

(iv)trenching works;

(v)site drainage;

(vi)security and site lighting infrastructure, including cameras, perimeter fencing and lighting columns; and

(vii)hard and soft landscaping including ecological mitigation;


(viii)electrical underground cables and telemetry and electrical protection auxiliary cabling;

(ix)a 400 kilovolt cable sealing end compound—

(aa)one set of cable sealing ends;

(bb)air insulated switchgear and overhead busbars; and

(cc)overhead conductor gantry, overhead conductors and other plant and structures required to manage the transmission of electricity;

(x)trenching works;

(xi)site drainage;

(xii)security and site lighting infrastructure, including cameras, perimeter fencing and lighting columns; and

(xiii)hard and soft landscaping including ecological mitigation.


Work No. 9 – temporary construction laydown areas including—

(a)Work No. 9A – temporary construction laydown area comprising—

(i)areas of hardstanding;

(ii)car parking;

(iii)pedestrian bridge including ducts for the carrying of electricity and other utility services;

(iv)site and welfare offices and workshops;

(v)security infrastructure, including cameras, perimeter fencing and lighting;

(vi)site drainage and waste management infrastructure (including sewerage); and

(vii)electricity, water, waste water and telecommunications connections.

(b)Work No. 9B – a temporary construction laydown area comprising—

(i)areas of hardstanding;

(ii)security infrastructure, including cameras, perimeter fencing and lighting;

(iii)up to two means of access;

(iv)site drainage and waste management infrastructure (including sewerage);

(v)car parking; and

(vi)electricity, water, waste water and telecommunications connections.


Work No. 10 – carbon capture readiness comprising—

(a)Work No. 10A – carbon capture readiness reserve space;

(b)Work No. 10B – diversions for public rights of way 35.47/1/1 and 35.47/6/1; and

(c)Work No. 10C – hard and soft landscaping including tree planting, ecological mitigation, temporary and permanent fencing and other boundary treatments.


Work No. 11 – retained and enhanced landscaping including—

(a)soft landscaping including planting;

(b)landscape and biodiversity enhancement measures; and

(c)security fencing, gates, boundary treatment and other means of enclosure.


Work No. 12 – decommissioning and demolition of sludge lagoons and construction of replacement sludge lagoons including—

(a)Work No. 12A (in connection with Unit X)—

(i)decommissioning and demolition of one existing sludge lagoon; and

(ii)reinstatement of one existing out of service sludge lagoon comprising—

(aa)bund walls;

(bb)underground pipework, valves and sluices; and

(cc)access roads.

(b)Work No. 12B (in connection with Unit Y)—

(i)decommissioning and demolition of 2 existing sludge lagoons; and

(ii)construction of up to two new sludge lagoons comprising—

(aa)bund walls;

(bb)underground pipework, valves and sluices; and

(cc)access roads.


Work No. 13 – removal of existing 132 kilovolt overhead line and removal of two 132 kilovolt pylons and foundations.


Work No. 14 – construction of temporary passing place on Rusholme Lane.


In connection with and in addition to Work Nos. 1 to 14, further associated development including—

(a)surface water drainage systems, storm water attenuation systems including storage basins, oil water separators, including channelling and culverting and works to existing drainage systems;

(b)electrical, gas, water, foul water drainage and telecommunications infrastructure connections and works to, and works to alter the position of, such services and utilities connections;

(c)hard standing and hard landscaping;

(d)biodiversity measures;

(e)closed circuit television cameras and columns and other security measures;

(f)site establishments and preparation works including site clearance (including vegetation removal, demolition of existing buildings and structures); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage and site levelling) and excavations; the alteration of the position of services and utilities; and works for the protection of buildings and land;

(g)temporary construction laydown areas and contractor facilities, including materials and plant storage and laydown areas; generators; concrete batching facilities; vehicle and cycle parking facilities; pedestrian and cycle routes and facilities; offices and staff welfare facilities; security fencing and gates; external lighting; roadways and haul routes; wheel wash facilities; and signage;

(h)vehicle parking and cycle storage facilities;

(i)accesses, roads and pedestrian and cycle routes;

(j)tunnelling, boring and drilling works,

and further associated development comprising such other works or operations as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the construction, operation and maintenance of the authorised development but only within the Order limits and insofar as they are unlikely to give rise to any materially new or materially different environmental effects from those assessed in the environmental statement.