

Subject to paragraph 3(3) of this Part of this Schedule the undertaker must provide security for the carrying out of the county highway works as follows—


prior to the commencement of each phase, the county highway works within that phase must be secured by a bond from a bondsman first approved by the local highway authority drafted substantially as detailed in Form 2 contained in paragraph 15 of this part of this Schedule, or such other form that may be agreed between the undertaker and the local highway authority, to indemnify the local highway authority against all losses, damages, costs or expenses arising from any breach of any one or more of the obligations of the undertaker in respect of that phase of the county highway works under the provisions of this Part of this Schedule, provided that the maximum liability of the bond does not exceed the bond sum relating to that phase.


Each bond sum is to be progressively reduced as follows—


on receipt of written confirmation (including receipt of receipted invoices evidencing payments made by the undertaker to the contractors) from the undertaker of the payments made from time to time to the contractor (“the submission”), the local highway authority, may in writing authorise the reduction of the bond sum by such proportion of the bond sum as amounts to 75% of those payments provided that—


there is not more than two submissions of written confirmation to the local highway authority during each phase of the county highway works;


an evaluation of the county highway works completed and remaining has been carried out by the undertaker and audited and agreed by the local highway authority to ensure that the stage of completion of the works is relative to the payments made by the undertaker to the contractors (the local highway authority will only be required to provide the said authorisation if it is satisfied that the monies remaining secured by the bond sum will be sufficient to cover all remaining costs and liabilities anticipated to be incurred in completing the county highway works plus an additional 10%); and


the operation of paragraph (a) will not enable the overall reduction of the bond to be greater than 70% of the original bond sum;


within 20 working days of completion of each phase of the county highway works (as evidenced by the issuing of the provisional certificate in respect of that phase pursuant to paragraph 6(1) of this Part of this Schedule) the local highway authority must in writing release the bond provider from its obligations in respect of 75% of the bond sum relating to that phase save insofar as any claim or claims have been made against the bond and/or liability on its part has arisen prior to that date; and


within 20 working days of the issue of the final certificate for each phase of the county highway works referred to in paragraph 7 of this Part of this Schedule the local highway authority must in writing release the bond provider from all its obligations in respect of the bond relating to that phase save insofar as any claim or claims have been made against the bond or liability on its part has arisen prior to that date.